Film, Harry Potter, Strongbad, Homestarrunner, Film, writing, meeting new people, Awesome Europeans, British rock, Wasting my money on multiple viewings of my favorite movies, Cillian Murphy, dreams, dying my hair temporarily
Quentin Tarantino Jebus Quetzalcoatl Buddha Muhammad Moses Brahma Franz Ferdinand
Pixies, Coldplay, Sex Pistols, The Streets, The Arcade Fire, Q101, Hot Hot Heat, Gaelic Storm, Flogging Molly, Bob Dylan, The Futureheads, Franz Ferdinand, Hot Hot Heat, The Zutons, Panic! at the Disco, Jon Brion, the Dog and Everything, Bush, Flosstradamus, Kanye West, Amy Winehouse
ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, Fight Club, LOTR, Dr. Strangelove, Bend it Like Beckham, Bride and Prejudice, Back to the Future, Batman Begins, The Third Man, Amelie
I rarely get to watch TV...
HP, Hard Love, Tithe, the great gatsby, The Giver, Brave New World, Poison, Choke, Speak