m(A)t-z profile picture


and we'll keep on playing, cos' play is life to the fullest! I'll make my life worthy even tho I'm s

About Me

I don't let MySpace become MyLife so I'm not on too much so at least skim read this ...thx and sorry for taking a while to reply
If you don't message me, I won't accept your add... especially if you have a private profile where I know nothing about you and I'm left clueless as to whether we have any similar interests. (I've learned not to be shallow and judge only by outside appearance.)
Bands might get away with it, but have a good about me cuz I'm not always patient for my computer to start playing music.
Btw, if you haven't sent a message yet that's probably why you haven't been accepted. It's easier for me to reply to your message than find you in my friend list.
and it would be appreciated if you at least skimmed over my profile
You don't fully understand yourself, and the same goes for myself. There's beauty in the fact that we just don't know...~
I'm Mat-z, or Mike. Mike's my real name. My heart is a mess, but that only proves I'm human. You can't buy love, you can't steal love, and you can't take love. You can only give or be given it. That deals with all of the best things in life. I'd like to fall in love again but it's easier said than done. I have amazing friends. Boredrom=Lack of Creativity so I'm always doing something. I appreciate people who read and actually fill these out. Not because I'm conceited, but its really nice to know that people care about others and about themselves and I just like reading them too. Not enough people care about compassion and it's easier for them to be apathetic. I'm usually very much at peace with myself. I wonder about a lot of things and ask a lot of questions. I try to be the best person I can and to consider how others feel. I have good intentions, but I'm not perfect. Learning from mistakes make us better people though. I look back and realize that sometimes I've been a complete ass, and try to correct my faults. I don't want to be rich. We have much more to live up to than money. I don't agree with capitalism, and I'm proud not to be motivated by consumption. I don't know much, but I'd rather understand. Anyway, the more I learn the more I realize I don't know. They say ignorance is bliss, but that's only when you're too damn lazy to take action or responsibility. It's very sadening whats going on, but I know that at least I can make a difference no matter how small when I don't ignore the facts. I don't believe in authority. I am an anarchist, but most people don't get the right idea when I tell them that. I don't pay attention to rules, although I suffer from a huge conscience and pay a great amount of attention to it, following the kindergarden rules of "treat others as you would like to be treated" and such. I like seeing others happy, as it does the same for me. I don't like or agree with organized religion, but I support beliefs. I'm mostly opposed to religions trying to get the public to submit to their creed and political agenda, and it seems bigotted to try and put words into the mouth of God. Personal beliefs are great if you find comfort in them, but I think religious texts were created as an allegory. Lets create paradise here and better the world instead of trying to comfort ourselves by taking a Sunday off. Besides, once you start thinking for yourself you realize that it is you who know's best how to run your own life. Did you know we had to teach Native Americans that land was subject to ownership? Who knew mother nature was up for sale? A lot of people are idealistic enough to believe in an after life, but they don't even think they can make a difference on Earth. I enjoy snowboarding. I'm alright, but I don't want to say more. I'm vegetarian and wish I was more actively freegan. I love meeting people and making friends whether at parties or whatever, but I'm not really into drinking anymore. I really like music with an individual or political sense or just something that really makes you think. Folk punk has become one of my favorite types of music since it's so diy and personal, but I also like elements of electronica to spice things up. Punk is one of the most simulated and completely mutilated aspects of music, but at the same time when you find the rare true meaning and aspects of some bands and artists, thats really special. When you say you can't accomplish anything with music, you're wrong because although you're limited you can always spread a message. Well I've got writers block now (haha like I'm even deserving to use that term) but I'll revise more later~~~
- Matzi4Peace
- [email protected]
- Matzi4Peace
Me at Bogus doing a Lien Air 540'... and falling at the end lawl =P

My Interests

Things I like:
Real Life
meeting others with similar interests
social activities
Trying stuff out
bike rides
biker gang!
street art
spray paint
paint markers
food hook-ups
dumpster diving
rain and the sound of it
day dreaming
reflecting on things
direct action
taking the road less traveled
overcoming odds
positive criticism
file sharing
my iPod

Things I dislike:
any forced form of authority
Po-lice (they don't protect you, but enforce social control)
buying things
having to pay for basic neccessities like food & healthcare
myself when I fuck up
drug dependancy
thieves (but not corporate shoplifters )
missplacing things
not knowing
hurting people. I hate the fact that I hurt people unintentionally

Js Shred Survey
Name Mike Matzi
Board/Bindings/Boots '04 Burton UnInc 156 / '06 Cartel / '05 Ions
Stance/Width/Angles Regular / Not Sure but centered / 18, -12
Outerwear Jacket of Gods and Ronin Espionage pants
Started snowboarding in maybe 97' or 96'?
Home mountain Used to be Bogus, now Tamarack
iPod or mini disc 60g iPod
Trick to learn next season Just work on everything and try to be more consistent
Last trick you learned Frontside Boardslides pretty much
Are contests rigged I hope not
Pipe jock /park rat /jib monkey /snow bunny /dont label me whatever
Worst trends Bull shitters and skiier/boarder rivalry
Wu Tang or Bright Eyes I've got my playlist for riding
Hit the knuckle or overshoot Oh fuck, I'd say overshoot but that's how I fractured my spine
Your crew (roll call) anyone who's up for a good time and not a dick
Favorites about snowboarding Feels so good to get something down... and orgazmic pow
Dislikes Sprains, Clipped Passes, and gear stolen... fucking lift that shit from a corporate if you need it that bad
Do you steal food at your local resort I'll bring food up for cheap, or prolly just eat your leftovers lawl
Funnest day When everything can just flow, or found the untracked... without having to hike back up!
Worst day Hella icy, or you lose your edge doing something stupid

I'd like to meet:

A fun, cute, smart, easygoing, concerned and passionate girl that can make me fall in love again.

Otherwise I want to meet other people that I can somehow connect with and hopefully be inspired by. People that make me happy and I can help do the same for them. I'm not expecting to meet all these amazing people while sitting on my ass so I'm just going to try to be this person I want to be and see where it goes from there. I already know some amazing people though & I'm not playing a number contest for friends.

I'd also like to meet or hear from those who've been through the worst and harshest struggles ever but still end their lives happily ever after ...Those that refuse to give up on love and compassion.

You scored as Truly Free. Congratulations! You seem to have much liberty, and appreciation for that liberty. Your freedom has allowed you to live the kind of life you want, and to gain satisfaction and happiness from that life. You are lucky. Not many people experience your level of freedom--what?s worse, many actually (and ironically) choose not to. Remember that you are just as much in charge of your freedom as the world around you, and that you should always protect and enjoy your freedom; some people forget this.

Truly Free


Suffering Dependency


Slave to Duty


Suffering Censorship


Slave to Job


Slave to Societal Expectations



Learn how free you actually are... (a bit long, but worth it)
created with QuizFarm.com

This is a pretty acurate quiz as I am mostly existential & hedonistic, but don't believe in universal moral laws.

You scored as Hedonism. Your life is guided by the principles of Hedonism: You believe that pleasure is a great, or the greatest, good; and you try to enjoy life?s pleasures as much as you can.

?Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!?

More info at Arocoun's Wikipedia User Page...











Justice (Fairness)


Strong Egoism




Divine Command

What philosophy do you follow? (v1.03)
created with QuizFarm.com

Destroy Power, Not People...

Pure Imagination Clothing

Join the Blue Ribbon .. Free Speech Campaign!

These are just a bunch of bumper stickers I like. You don't need to agree with me. Keep your own opinions, just don't stop others from keeping theirs.

Top 10 Reasons Why Beer Is Better Than Christianity

10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer.
9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex.
8. Beer has never caused a major war.
7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves.
6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away.
5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured for his brand of Beer.
4. You don't have to wait more than 2000 years for a second Beer.
3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you.
2. You can prove you have a Beer.
1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.


Some of my favorites in a sort of alphabetical order.
Theres way more but I'm trying to limit it.

Against Me!
Andrew W.K.
Atari Teenage Riot
Billy Talent
The Blood Brothers
Choking Victim
Dead Prez
Defiance, Ohio
Diego's Hot Ballon Ride
The Distillers
Evan Greer
The Faint
The Fall of Troy
Flogging Molly
The Forecast
Foxy Shazam!
Genghis Tron
Ghost Mice
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Hollywood Undead
Horse the Band
Hot Hot Heat
The (International) Noise Conspiracy
Iron and Wine
Jack Off Jill
Justin Sane
The Kinison
Leftover Crack
The Mars Volta
Mindless Self Indulgence
Morning Glory
Neon Blonde
Nevea Tears
Oi Polloi
Panic! at the Disco
The Postal Service
Rise Against
Ryan Harvey
Say Anything
Streetlight Manifesto
Strike Anywhere
Sweatshop Union
Test Icicles
Tom Frampton
The Unseen
The Weakerthans

The music I like really just depends on the mood I'm in. Its not just appealing sounds for me, sometimes its just the message. You can check cds out from the library and you can fill out purchase request forms there too. I have a ton of music on my iPod from other people that I haven't heard yet.

"In attempts to moderate they ask why we don't write love songs.
What is it that we sing then?
Our love of life is total, everything we do is an expression of that,
Everything that we write is a love song!"
-CRASS, Yes Sir, I Will


Good Will Hunting, Pan's Labyrinth, V for Vendetta, Garden State, , The Illusionist, I ♥ Huckabees, Akira, Scanner Darkly, The Corporation, Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, & The Miami Model


Free Speech TV & Robot Chicken


I actually like reading a lot. Some of my favorites:

All the books in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, CrimethInc. (Evasion, Days of War Nights of Love, Recipes for Disaster,) Ishmael, Stupid White Men, Religous Lies and Gnostic Wisdom, Chicken Shit for the Soul, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Forest of the Night, the Elric Saga, Fahrenheit 451, The Choclate War, The His Dark Materials Series, and the Harry Potter Series, infoshop.org .

and wikipedia for everything about anything


Passionate hearts, coupled with brilliant minds, and a hint of recklessness

I shape myself to be my own hero but I look up to so many others

Emma Goldman, CRASS, Noam Chomsky, Gandhi, EZLN Zapatista's, Banksy, Bill Hicks, Situationist International, Woody Guthrie, Wobblies, Leo Tolstoy, Shepard Fairey, Albert Einstein, Eugene Debs, CrimethInc., AK Press, and Adbusters just to name a few more well known ones,

but a lot of my friends are heroes in my own eyes for both big and small things.

My Blog

Short flick about love and revolution ♥

You don't even need to read it but I really hope you take the time to watch them both.1 2 This is actually based on the blog I have here too if you're interested i...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 12:43:00 PST

Utopian Tactics

After I first got into politics I started to think that it was pretty useless to think about a utopia. I said: "No one knows what a life without the machine would look like, my world would probably lo...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 05:55:00 PST

The Story of Bus 68

City bus #68 was making its rounds one particularly sunny spring day, when the driver slammed on the brakes at an intersection. "Fuck this," he sword in angry Catalan, and, opening the bus doors, stom...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 01:32:00 PST

Moving To McCall Once Tamarack Opens

I'm going to be moving to McCall once Tamarack opens with my dad in his new cabin & I'll prolly be teaching at Tamarack a couple days a week, but more importantly I'm going to be focusing a lot mo...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST

...and the children learn from their surroundings

So I'm incredibly frustrated with what my youngest brother who's in 5th grade had to go through today, but I'm also in disgust at certain aspects of society.Apparently him and two of his friends were ...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Wed, 24 May 2006 04:08:00 PST


Ninja Adventures Joe, the mutha f#ckin' Samurai Trained in the Art of Killing, we almost know 4 trillion ways to kill you The katana goes "Schwinkity Shwankity Shank!" Dodge my Shuriken Rick! ...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 04:46:00 PST

Only lovers are really alive

Join the Resistance: Fall in Love Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive, culturally constrictive, humanly meaningless world. Love t...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Mon, 23 Jan 2006 02:53:00 PST

Lessons I've learned through life: from a silly 19 year old kid

These are a few of the things I've learned from myself and other people, directly and indirectly: The secret to never wasting time or your life is to learn from every experience . Always q...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 03:51:00 PST

little story I made up

Timmy plays catch with his frisbee at recess. Johnny plays in the sandbox making sand castles. Timmy, running to catch a frisbee, accidentally smashes Johnny's castle. Johnny has a fit and throws...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 06:25:00 PST

Questions and Concerns Regarding Christianity...

(stolen from post) Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God's Law. I have learned a great deal from you all, and I try to share that knowledge with as many people as I can. When som...
Posted by m(A)t-z on Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:49:00 PST