Eileen profile picture


A FriendLy gEr whO is CrAz abOut *ayUmi*

About Me

Friendly, aPProachAble, caRing, DislIke Bad manners, Living in SingapoRe, High-schOOl student.

My Interests

ShoPPing, Burberry, aYumi Hamasaki, BEcKham!! Japanese Handsome DudEs, Orlando Bloom, bEn affleck, loUis Vuiton, WEarIng Flunkly, SInging, danCing hip-hop, Eating gooD food, Etc Crab OR praWns.. My boy-Boy, stUdying, GettIng goOD resuLTs. =D

I'd like to meet:

anYone whO Likes ayUmi`!!


anYsOng By ayuMi hAmaSaki.. E.g HanAbi EpiSode 2, theme of a nation, M, suRReal, eVolutiOn!


titANic, MatRix Reloaded, TerminaTor 3, Lord of the rings, haRRy pOTter, Non-FictIon, EspecIAlly Those THat inVested MilliOns to Produce, Thus they PRoduce goOD reSult.


Math TextBook

My Blog


Hi im A sinGaporean.. woulD like tO know More JapanesE and Western-sTyle FriendS.. Mail me HerE ok.. =D
Posted by Eileen on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST