Anna♥ profile picture


Intimacy is a four syllable word for, Here's my heart and soul, please grind them into hamburger, an

About Me

Myspace For Girls Only -
Bunch of Useless Information About ME!
~I’m an aries
~I’m shy at first but I warm up to people fast
~I have a cat named Delila
~My favorite singer is Joni Mitchell
~I like music from the 70’s, jazz, blues, & folk rock
~I like vintage clothing
~I naturally have pumpkin-orange hair
~I like 80’s shows
~My favorite cartoon when I was little was The Last Unicorn
~I have a huge imagination
~I like to paint- especially with watercolors
~I write poetry
~My favorite bands are Shivaree and Whiskeytown
~My best friend is Katie
~My favorite season is Autumn
~I use take horseback riding lessons
~My favorite sports are hockey, Football and Baseball
~My favorite book is Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman
~I am currently listening to Carly Simon
~I go to Owens, but will be transferring to Bowling Green cause UT messed my stuff up
~I played the flute in 5th grade band
~I am studying to be a biologist
~I am claustrophobic
~I am related to Deanna Durbin, a famous actor/singer from the 30’s
~I work as an Ophthalmic Technician (I take people through eye exams)
~My worst habit is biting my nails
~I have blue eyes
~I knit a lot
~I am a bit of a procrastinator
~I drink too much pop
~I want to go to Ireland, Scotland or France
~I am taking French in the fall
~I daydream a lot
~I had a crush on Davy Jones and Elvis (before he was a fat drunk)when I was 5
~I am Irish, Scottish and Bohemian (it us to be part of Czech.)

My Interests

A 200 Question Fun Survey 4 Myspace (All The Bzoink Surveys Put Together)
Full Name:: Anna Melissa
Birthday:: April12
Birthplace:: Toledo
Eye Color:: blue
Hair Color:: blonde
Height:: 5'6
Weight:: not telling
Right handed or Left handed?: righty
Your Heritage:: Irish, Scottish, Bohemian
My Worst Habit:: Biting my nails when I am nervous
Zodiac Sign:: Aries
Shoe Size:: 8
Pants Size:: 9/10
Innie or Outie?: innie
Parents Still Together?: my dad died when I was 14 from leukemia
The Shoes You Wore Today:: brown flip-flops
Your Weakness:: kisses
Your Fears:: being alone for the rest of my life
Your Perfect Pizza:: chicken and tomato
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:: pass french
Your Most Overused Phrase On An Instant Messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up:: I gotta pee
Your Best Physical Feature:: hair
Your Bedtime:: around 12 am
Your Most Missed Memory:: all my memories with my dad
Favorite color?: blue and pink
Food?: anything italian
Sport?: hockey and soccer
Animal?: cats, dogs and manatees
Ice Cream?: praline pecan from Charlies in Sylvania
Candy?: anything chocolate
Store?: wet seal, american eagle, hollister
Salad Dressing?: eewwww! hate salad dressing
Actor?: audrey hepburn
Song?: A case of you by Joni mitchell
Letter?: A for Anna!
Number?: any
Gum?: any
Holiday?: Christmas
Season?: I like them all!
Toothpaste Flavor?: any but those weird flavors like vanilla.
Radio Station?: 89x, 105
Perfume?: any tropical scent by Escada
Scent besides perfume?: anything oceany
Body part on the opposite sex?: arms. I LOVE strong arms
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: I want to work for the EPA and help save the planet! :)
How Do You Want To Die?: in my bed sleeping
Turn ons:: strong arms, nice smile, great sense of humor, nice
Turn offs:: egos and guys who smell
Which One Of Your Friends Acts The Most Like You?: katie! Luv ya hun!
Who's The Loudest?: they all are
Who Makes You Laugh The Most?: Bethany! She cracks me up
Who Have You Known The Longest?: Katie
Who's The Shyist?: none
When Have You Cried The Most?: not anytime recently
What Is The Best Feeling In The World?: Being with someone who cares about you
Worst Feeling?: being rejected
Where Do You Want To Live When You Grow Up?: anywhere
If You Could Change One Thing About You What Would It Be?: Not be so nervous
How Long Do You Think You'll Live?: till im 100. Im stubborn
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's look at the:
What a nice: boy
Where did all the: good guys go?
Why can't we: all just get along!
Silly, little: birdy
Isn't it weird that:
Never under any circumstance: feed the seagulls. Haha. Katie knows what I am talking about from last summer at the beach
I wish: to just be happy
Everyone has a:
I am: a hopeless romantic
Been In Love?: yup
Been To Juvie?: nope. Im a good girl
Mooned Someone?: nope, but just been mooned for the first time recently
Been Rejected?: yup
Ran Away From Home?: nope, but threatened to when I was 5
Pictured Your Crush Naked?: lol. not going there
Skipped School?: nope
Thought About Suicide?: nope. I love life
Slept Outside?: in a tent
Laughed So Hard You Cried?: Haha. Good times with Kara
Cried In School?: yup. when my dad died and when my grandma died
Thrown Up In School?: ewww. yup
Wanted To Be a Model?: no
Done Something Really Stupid That You Still Laugh At Today?: tons!
Seen A Dead Body?: HA! yes! Anatomy field tri senior year to MCO
Been Bitched Out?: who hasnt?
Drank Alcohol?: no....never.....
Smoked?: once in 7th grade. very gross
Eaten Sushi?: yes. nasty
Been On Stage?: yup, hs play senior year
Gone Skinny Dipping?: nope
Shoplifted?: nope
Been Drunk?: haha yes
Been Called A Tease?: nope
Been Beaten Up?: nope
Swear?: like a sailor
Sing Well?: I try
Shower Daily?: yup
Want To Go To College?: am in college
Want To Get Married?: yup. someday
Believe In Yourself?: yes
Get Motion Sickness?: not really
Think You Are Attractive?: I think i am okay
Get Along With Your Parents?: yup. luv my mom, miss my dad tons
Like Thunderstorms?: love em
Play An Instrument?: use to play the flute in 5th grade
Own An IPOD?: nope
Pray?: not as much as I should
Go To Church?: havent in a long time
Sleep With Stuffed Animals?: nope
Keep A Journal/Diary?: nope
Dance In The Rain?: when I was little
Sing In The Shower?: hah just the other day
Pepsi or Coke?: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King?: McD's
Single or Group Dates?: both
Chocolate or Vanilla?: both
Strawberries or Blueberries?: strawberries
Meat or Veggies?: both
TV or Movie?: both
Guitar or Drums?: drums
Adidas or Nike?: Nike
Chinese or Mexican?: both
Cheerios or Corn Flakes?: cheerios
Cake or Pie?: cake
MTV or VH1?: MTV
Blind or Deaf?: deaf
Boxers or Briefs?: boxer
Do The Splits?: not that limber
Write With Both Hands?: nope
Whistle?: haha not even if my life depened on it.
Blow A Bubble?: yup
Roll Your Tongue In A Circle?: yup
Cross Your Eyes?: and move one at the same time!
Walk With Your Toes Curled?: uh yah
Touch Your Tongue to Your Nose?: nope
Dance?: I try
Eat Whatever You Want And Not Worry?: I wish
You Touched:: people who hugged me bye at a party
You Talked To On The Phone:: my sister
You Instant Messaged:: cant remember
You Hugged:: people at a party
You Yelled At::
You Played A Sport With:: my nephew and I played baseball today
Time You Laughed?: today. my nephews are crazy!
Time You Cried?: its been a long time
Movie You Watched?: war of the worlds. nothing else to watch
Flavor Of Gum You Chewed?: not a gum chewer unless desperate
Joke You Told?: cant remember
Song You've Sung?: Boston
Where Are You?: at my sisters
What Can You See Out Your Window?: nope
Are You Listening To Music?: nope
What Are You Wearing?: tshirt and sweats from aeropostale
What's On Your Mousepad?: no mousepad
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: nope
Do you believe in miracles?: yup
Magic?: sure
Love at first sight?: yup!
God?: yup
Satan?: yup
Ghosts?: yup
Santa?: yup. there really was once a santa in germany or somewhere
Evolution?: , not the Big Bang theory, but I believe things can change to adapt to their environment.
Fav Eye Color:: any
Fav Hair Color:: any but red
Short or Long Hair:: short
Height:: taller than me
Weight:: any
Best Clothing Style:: any
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: france, germany, ireland
Number Of CD's I Own:: too many to count
Your Good Luck Charm:: none
How many pillows do you sleep with?: one but I have two on my bed
Do you drink milk?: yup, does a body good. lol
Person You Hate Most:: I dont hate anyone
Most Outdated Phrase::
Do you think God has a gender?: I dont know
Where do you think we go when we die?: heaven or hell
How many rings until you answer the phone?: 2 or 3, but my phone plays "Sweet Escape" by Gwen Stefani
What is something scientists need to invent?: a cure for aids and cancer. There has to be something out there
Are you a health freak?: nope
If you could travel into space, where would you go?: moon
What is the worst weather?: rainy and cold
Did you play with Barbies as a child?: yup, but I was also a tomboy.
How many grades have you failed?: none
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I'd like to meet:


♥Jazz, 70..'s Rock, Folk Rock
♥Joni Mitchell
♥Stevie Nicks
♥The Killers
♥Breaking Benjamin
♥Sarah Mclaughlin
♥Carly Simon
♥Franz Ferdinand
♥The Used


♥Moulin Rouge ♥Practical Magic
♥Marie Antoinette
♥The Last Unicorn
♥ How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
♥ Failure to Launch
♥Blue Crush
♥Breakfast at Tiffanys
♥Roman Holiday
♥Greenstreet Hooligans
♥Les Miserables
♥Bridget Jones Diary
♥Love Actually
♥The Devil Wears Prada


♥Grey's Anatomy
♥ House
♥Sex and the City
♥Law & Order
♥Passport to Europe


♥Practical Magic
♥Invisible Circus
♥Summer of Love
♥The Devil Wears Prada
♥Da Vinci Code
♥Angels and Demons
♥Girls Poker Night
♥Les Miserables
♥Sense and Sensibility
♥Pride and Prejudice


My mom ♥She is the strongest woman I know.

My Blog

Myspace Virus

Somehow I got a virus on my profile & it deleted some of my info. I already deleted it & started over on my page. So no worries. Just give me time to put my info back up.
Posted by ♥Anna on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 09:17:00 PST

New Apartment

I am moving into my own apartment today! I am so excited!
Posted by ♥Anna on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST

Thats some freaky stuff!

This was on my horoscope graphic that I have on my page... For Saturday, February 17 - Travel is on your mind right now, so much so that it might be causing some real problems in your everyday life. I...
Posted by ♥Anna on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 06:21:00 PST


I am going to Boston (probably June) with my friend Stephanie! I can't wait!
Posted by ♥Anna on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 05:36:00 PST

Karma needs to give someone a good kick in the ass!

Someone stole my purse at school and I found it in the trash with all my money taken out! I feel so violated!  That was my personal belonging and some jerk had his/her helping...
Posted by ♥Anna on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 03:42:00 PST

"Oh where, oh where could my poor kitty be..."

My poor kitty Azrael ran away last night! I am soooo sad. My family came over for this halloween party I was having for my nephews. My brother went out the front door to go to the car and I forgot to ...
Posted by ♥Anna on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:05:00 PST


I just went all out on new art supplies! YAY!  Keep a lookout on my page cause once I am finished I'll post my paintings. :) ...
Posted by ♥Anna on Mon, 18 Sep 2006 12:41:00 PST

Save me from the big fat hairy SPIDER!!!!

I went down my basement to do laundry & there was a huge tarantula looking spider just chillin by the dryer. OMIGOSH, people, I am not exaggerating when I say it looks like a tarantula. I was told...
Posted by ♥Anna on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 01:34:00 PST

WOW! I never wrote about my trip to Florida!

I went Aug 3- Aug 6 to Tampa to see my best friend Katie. My flight was soooo crappy! It was delayed twice and then there was a huge lightning storm in tampa, so when we landed we had to sit on the pl...
Posted by ♥Anna on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 06:38:00 PST

I am going to Florida!!!!!!!!!!!

I bought my plane ticket the other day. So, I am now going to Florida! There is nothing to hold me back this year! YAY! I can't wait to see my bestfriend Katie! Gotta get my albino booty tan!
Posted by ♥Anna on Sat, 27 May 2006 02:29:00 PST