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About Me

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what can i say about myself? Moody.. Solid character...social and creative. When I laugh, I laugh with my soul. I love my friends. I am hardworking, but I know when to have fun. I love hanging around with my family talking for hours. Ive been hurt alot, and I do not forgive easily. I might be revengeful. My childhood (especially the years I spent in the states) were the best years. The best decision that I ever took was to go to England (I grew up). In England, I used to watch children's shows. I love cartoons (I am still a child). I dont like philosophy-its all about thinking in circles. I became a psychologist because I wanted to know more about myself. I doubt myself alot. I am competitive.. thats about it.
name:: Eleni
nickname:: Lenako
how old are you:: 25
zodiac sign:: Capricorn
current location:: Athens,Greece
eye color:: Brown/Hazel
hair color:: Brown
hair type:: wavy
hieght:: 1, 67
your heritage:: Greek
what's your middle name:: none
shoe's you wore today:: sneakers
your weakness:: too sensitive
your fear:: not achieving my goals
have you ever ridden a mechanical bull:: no
do you want to:: yeah, why not
goal you would like to achieve this year:: getting a job in my field
first thought when you wake up:: What time is it?
best physical feature:: my lips
who is your bestest freind:: lots of people
when is your bedtime:: 1 am
your most cherished memory:: building a tree house in Boyati
pepsi or coke:: coke
mc dondalds or burgerking:: mc donalds
singel or group dates:: single
what is the last song you sang:: Rebel Yell "Billy Idol
does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive:: yes
what is your biggest pet peeve:: none
do you drink:: yes
ever been drunk:: of course
do you smoke:: sometimes
do you "SMOKE":: dont know what you mean
do you sing:: i sing very badly
what color underwear do you have on:: its actually black
do you want to go to college:: i was in college
have you ever been in love:: yep
do you wnat to get married:: of course
do you believe in yourself:: sometimes I do
do you believe inothers:: yes, I believe in human kindness
do you like thunderstorms:: no
do you play an instrument:: i used to play the flute
what do you want to be when you grow up:: already grown
what country would you like to visit:: Canada
how many CD's do you own:: lots and lots
how many DVD's do you own:: lots
how many tattoo's do you have:: none
how many piercings do yo have:: none
how many things in the past do you regeret:: 2-3
shoes:: Nike
radio station:: Rock Radio
drink:: coke/coffee
car:: Renault
place:: Flocafe
song:: lots
movie:: Love actually
moment:: the moment when you meet someone new
color:: purple
meal:: cheeseburger
favorite eye color:: no preference
favorite hair color:: no preference
short or long hair:: short hair
height:: around 1,80
body type:: athletic
does ethnicity matter:: no
piercings:: no
tattoos:: no
do you think you are attractive:: sometimes
are you attracted to someone who does not know it:: yes
would you like to be someones fantasy:: yeah why not
hunter or hunted:: sometimes both
do you kiss with your eyes closed or open:: ...
a little or a lot of tongue:: ....
older or younger:: I go for older guys
lights on/lights off or candle light:: candle light
do you like to cuddle after:: yes
do you like to cuddle in general:: yes
what is todays date:: Sunday Sept 16th (election day)
what time is it:: 12:19 pm
who are you thinking of:: a friend of mine in Farsala
what are you listening to:: tv noises
do you love someone:: yes
do you know where your mechanical bull is:: huh?
does someone love you:: i guess
is it raining:: no
how many myspace friends do you have:: 133
are you happy:: yes
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My Interests

My interests include: people watching, photography, reading on archaeology and psychology, creative writing, going out for coffee with friends, movies, the theatre, French, Spanish, brainstorming ideas about children's shows, collecting coins and stamps, going to the gym, putting pictures into albums, jewerly. I am also a big fun of Harry Klynn.

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet people from different countries. If you are passing through, and you like my page, you can always leave me a message!!!!Then, I would like to meet Freud because even though I do not want to accept it, he has left a great legacy in the area of psychology..%D%A%D?r
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It really depends on my moods.. If I am feeling loved/romantic I listen to: Bryan Adams, Peter Cetera, Ramazzotti.. If I want to sleep or relax I usually listen to Philip Glass, Amy Winehouse, Classical Music (Beethoven), . When I am depressed I usually listen to Counting Crows, Depeche Mode, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Pyx Lax, whereas when I am happy I listen to: nelly furtado, Justin Timberlake, The Who, The Verve, Pink Martini, Beatles, Tori Amos, Cranberries,Duran Duran, Rolling Stones, Travis, Artic Monkeys... As for Greek, I listen to: Arvanitaki, Antonis Remos, Sfakianakis, Hatzigiannis


Zodiac, Ensemble c'est tout,Il telefono Bianci, The White Movie, Black Dhalia,Kramer vs Kramer, Manderlay, La Mome, The Lives all other, The Fountain, Meet the Fockers, The Hours, The Interpreter, Sybil, The Pink Panther Series, The Graduate, Back to the future and many more


a href="http://myspacetv.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individ ual&videoid=7531000"Duck Amuck
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Everything is Iluminated, Marie-Antoinette, some of Freud books, the crucible, death of a salesman, L'alouette, La maison de Claudette, The Blue house, Crime and Punishment, the idiot, A doll's house, Three Sisters, One day in the life of Ivan, Handmaid's tale, To kill a mockingbird


me, my brother (because he had the courage to quit his course and something new), Eirini...

My Blog

Otan sinomotoun oi planites...

Otan sinomotoun oi planites enantion sou, ti kaneis? Akous mia mikri foni pou leei "tha erthi kati kalitero",i agnoeis tin sinomosia?Giati se merikous anthropous ola erxontai efkola kai se allous dis...
Posted by Elenaki on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:01:00 PST

Voting with Yiayia

So, today, September 16th is voting day. I vote in the same place as my mom, yiayia and her sister. This morning, we decided to take them so that they can vote. It was a biggg mistake...THere is a c...
Posted by Elenaki on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 12:03:00 PST

a course on play therapy!!!

I am very happy. I found this seminar on "Play therapy" through the THACE (Hellenic Association of Continuing Education". This seminar takes place every sunday and it is an introduction into therapy t...
Posted by Elenaki on Mon, 28 May 2007 07:03:00 PST

Trela pragmata akouo...

Erotisis pou mou kanoun oi pelates:1. O pelatis: Geia sas, thelo plirofories gia to Activia (danone). Ego: Nai rotiste me oti thelete. O pelatis: To activia exi asvestio..... Ego: ...
Posted by Elenaki on Thu, 29 Mar 2007 01:46:00 PST