All animals. Spaying/Neutering animals. Educating people about the role of being a parent to a pet.
Feral Cats need your help!
In the U.S., more cats are intentionally killed than die of any other cause. But this doesn't have to be the case.
Virtually every feral cat that enters a shelter or animal control facility is killed. The very system that is supposed to care about the welfare of animals is, in fact, subjecting them to a ruthless policy of extermination.
Funded by taxpayer dollars, these inhumane programs do not effectively control cat population growth. Only one method - Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) - does.
All cats, even those born outside and having never lived with a human family, should be allowed to live the lives they deserve - outdoors, happy, healthy and prevented from becoming part of an endless cycle of breeding.
Sign the petition below showing that you want the killing of feral cats to stop. Then learn about the TNR method and how you can take personal action to help these cats.
Please sign the petition.
People who love and respect animals.
What do your indoor cats miss?
-Getting hit by cars.
-Being abused by cruel people.
-Eating poisoned food.
-Collecting fleas and ticks.
-Being attacked, maybe killed, by dogs.
-Hunting and eating rats, bunnies, birds...(think about them too).
-Contracting diseases, like feline leukimia.
-Getting lost.
-Meeting rabid wildlife.
-Being shot by BB guns or worse.
-Fighting with other cats.
-Getting worms and bringing them home.
-Walking on wet, pesticide treated lawns.
-Eating week old garbage.
-Crawling onto warm car engines.
-Shivering in cold, rainy weather.
Do your felines a favor. Keep them in!