Moje ime je Zoran Stucin aka Just Zoki.
Z dj-anjem sem se pricel ukvarjati leta 2003 cisto po nakljucju, ko sva se s prijateljem dogovorila da kupiva svoje prve gramofone. Poleg gramofonov sem dobil tudi zajeten kup vinilk in tako se je vse skupaj pricelo. Sprva sem gramofone opazoval izza omare, ko pa sem videl, da ne grizejo sem jih tudi pocasi zacel uporabljati.
S prijatelji smo svoje prve izkusnje mixanja pridobivali, kar v domaci kleti kjer pa smo imeli tudi zajeten kup tezav s sosedi in vonjem po krompirju.
Cez nekaj mesecev sem kupil svoje prve vinilke in tako zacel ustvarjati svoj lasten stil glasbe.
Prvo priloznost za nastop pred nepregledno mnozico ljudi (prbl.50), sem dobil na open-airu z imenom Klic Narave v okolici Cerknega, kjer smo se predstavili kot mlecno mladi talenti.
Svojo prvo izkusnjo z vrtenjem glasbe v diskoteki sem kmalu dobil v klubu Heaven (Trebija)
Sledili so nastopi v mladinskem klubu C.M.A.K. (Cerkno), Texas klub (Sebrelje), Klic Narave (Open Air), Soncni Dnevi (Open Air) itd.
Moji slave vredni nastopi do sedaj pa so bili v diskoteki Casablanca (Celje) ter v klubu Moulin Rouge (Brezice).
Leta 2006 sem svoje borilne vescine rolanja glasbe prizkusil tudi na SYLD 06.
Leta 2007 pa sem postal tudi clan skupine Smoke-In-Crew, kjer sodelujem skupaj z Dj Banijem ter Dj De Limo.
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My name is Zoran Stucin aka Just Zoki. I started to play music in year 2003 by accident, when me and my friend decided to buy our first turntables. I got together with my turntables a bunch of vinilys and that’s how everything started. At the beginning I just watched my turntables from behind the closet, but when I found out that they don’t bite I slowly started to use them. Me and my friends have been collecting our first mixing experiences in our home basement, where we had a lot of problems with our neighbors and the smell of potatoes? After a few months I bought my first vinilys and that’s how I started to make my own music style. I got my fist opportunity to play music in front of a big crowd on an open air festival Klic Narave near my home town Cerkno, where we played as young talents. Soon I had my first public appearance in club Heaven (Trebija). After that I played music in C.M.A.K. (Cerkno), Texas club (Sebrelje), Soncni dnevi (Open Air), etc. My most famous appearances were in club Casablanca (Celje) and club Moulin Rouge (Brezice). In year 2006 I tested my martial arts as a DJ on Support Your Local Dj 06 and I become a member of Smoke In Crew in year 2007.
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