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About Me


i wrote too much didn't i?
Younz been sam'd
To all you crazy kids out there im Ellie, most know me as smell.
Im undergoing a-levels at Nico - music, english language & media.
I either want to be: some form of superhero.. or... a music producer.
I have my own special dress sence, and my own specific little world, in witch everything i do, or say, is 'cool'.
I Have many incredible friends. They no who they are. ( they also know im far too lazy to list them)
I have a 'different'sence of humor to the Rat-Race, but there are the few who share it, and they are the one's who mean most to me.
I dont buy the - "it's cool to be un-cool" thing.
I am cool.
A few picture's that show my interests.
la fin. MyGen Profile Generator MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests


A few things about me you may not know.
i like my mums gravy.( as you can tell this is in order of importance)
i play guitar and i sing, although i will never do this seriously around you.
i change my hair all of the time,
dont try and find me in a shop, its been proven im the hardest person to find because you'll never know what i look like on that day.
i can be the extreme of everything mood wise, all in about 30 seconds
ive calmed down quite a lot, those who knew me a year ago would notice that i dont try and grab people's attension for no reason as much,
im sarcastic and you love it
the fittie that im with relationship wise knows me really too well, so chances are that ill try and wind you up more than usual because he's no fun anymore
my music taste is so stupid. no matter how well you know me, when you go through my ipod you will be confussed.
i dont really give a bugger what i look like, but when i try.. av it
when im on my own i love a crunchie and a 60p 'love it'.
im a very social person- this doesnt mean i love getting pissed, but i do dally
i only drink on weekends, kinda
i love sims 2 pets. you heard
im no good at those " dont laugh!" situations. chances are i'll laugh the loudest and point.
cold blooded murder of the english tounge

BLUEGH.I have two main people in my life whomb arn't my family.


$ I have been with this boy for over 1 year
$ He makes me smile when im mad, even though he knows i hate it
$ He's come to terms with the fact im stubern
$ i miss him
$ i dont feel our relationship is better than anybody else's, if another couple feel the happiness i do, keep at it & im happy for you
$ i love him


$ This girl has been my best-friend for almost 4 years
$ i value her opinion on anything & trust her with everything.
$ she's one of the few girls who make me truely laugh
$ i love her so much and she's been there through everything.
$ i couldn't ever find a better friend
$ She's the best girl to get drunk with.
$Some of the best times ive ever had have been with her.
$ i love her

I'd like to meet:

To be honest if i did meet either Jimmy Carr or Adrian Edmondson, i wouldn't trust myself not to commit some form of illigal sexual act upon them.


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to anything, and ill keep dancing when youve all told me to stop, just to embaras you.

.. G


Im a geek, i love easter parade and most things my mums made me sit down to watch on TCM while im waiting for a bowl of gravy from the sunday dinner i'm also hungry for.


You are what u eat, You are what u wear, You are what your kids are. You are your garden ect. And due to my recent obsession with QI you may find me talking about something really clever and think how the hell i know that.( eg: my recent fact that kangarro's have 3 vaginas- and this doesnt mean that males have 3 penis's) now you know. also they think its all over and have i got news for you. anything with a pannel of both comedians and snobs. bottom. any comedy that makes people go " how did they get away with that!"