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I Make Girls Cry

About Me

One paragraph to describe myself is simply not enough. Oh, wait! Yes it is.
Now, lets ART it Up!

My Interests

I'm interested in like... 'all sort of stuff' and umm, I have a face and wear clothes and sometimes think about things. .wheeeee.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet others who I get along with and who won't be frightened by my odd behavior.
Send me an Instant Message: Ferreson


here is a concise long list===== Pain, They Might Be Giants, Aqueduct, Barenaked Ladies, The Weakerthans, Breakdance Vietnam, Kleenex Girl Wonder (Graham Smith), Architecture in Helsinki, Atom and His Package, Art of Trance, Pinback, PlayRadioPlay!, Bug Funny, Ambulance LTD, Rooney, Eels, Ben Folds, Scissor Sisters, Spiderbait, Tegan and Sara, Offspring, Arcade Fire, Smoking Popes, Semisonic, LCD Soundsystem, Dashboard Confessional, Magnapop, Get Set Go, The Shins, Rocket Summer, The Faint, The Rapture, Noise Ratchet, Muse, Ben Lee, Mirah, Fiscerspooner, Juune, The Heavenly States, Project Bottlecap, Jack's Broken Heart, Blink 182, Bobby McFerrin, Instrumental Movie Scores, Beatles, The Blow, Simon and Garfunkle, Van Morrison, Piebald, Death Cab For Cutie, Spoon, Rilo Kiley, Day One, Midway, Elastica. Anyone got any suggestions for me of something I haven't heard but might love? Let me know.
What I've Been Listening To:


The Royal Tenenbaums, Matchstick Men, The Princess Bride, Life as a House, The Paper, Starship Troopers, Far And Away, Fight Club, The Others, Willow, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Clay Pigeons, Ravenous, Lucky Numbers, The Wedding Singer, Election, Napoleon Dynamite, Stranger Than Fiction, Mystery Men


I am a tv whore. This is due to being able to view shows that were downloaded online, such as: The Wire, How I Met Your Mother, Curb Your Entusiasm, Big Love, America's Next Top Model, Heroes, Entourage, Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency, and I love Project Runway. She rules my Universe. Big Brother is another addiction thats out of control AWeSOMENeSS! I am OBSeSSeD with Big Brother. I've even started watching the UK version which is so insane that there are like 97 episodes in a season. gurgle. I have the Freaks and Geeks series on my amazon wishlist in plans to eventually buy. Watching it was surreal, a wonderful experience of entertainment and recollection. Thats the affect when you work on the show for the entire series. I felt like I was watching a living high school year book seeing the faces of friends. I keep thinking how that show would never have been cancelled now that Judd Apatow made such successful movies and they let him do whatever he wants. I finished watching the entire Sex and The City series. Yes. I loved and learned, it was clandestine. And the movie is almost here. O_O im excited. :)


Bag of Bones, Song of Fire and Ice, The Black Company, The Time Travellers Wife, Hit Man, Desperate Measures, Vertical Run, Dragons of Summer Flame, The Iron Throne, The Long Walk, Fountainhead, On Writing, A Spell For Chameleon, Boy Girl Etc.

My Blog

Im Sad and Its Not Fair

"I'm sad. I don't know if it's because no girl wants me, or if it's because I'm so fat, which I know is the reason I'm not wanted. I'm a terrific guy, I know that. I have a great heart. It's a big hea...
Posted by Ferreson on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 03:15:00 PST

True, Isn’t It? or Walk of Life

The things that you remember are the things that shape you.How many thoughts and memories flit away to forgetfulness? How much stuff will we never speak of again simply because we've forgotten they e...
Posted by Ferreson on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:50:00 PST

Phone Dialing

I remember when I was little, I used to always wonder, with great frustration, what those two symbol buttons were on the telephone located to the left and right of the zero. I had no knowledge of them...
Posted by Ferreson on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 01:19:00 PST

Bad Happenstance

Of the many troubling aspects that come with any bad happenstance, a particularly annoying one is how they serve to derail your entire day and schedule. Whether the happenstance is slightly bothersom...
Posted by Ferreson on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 12:10:00 PST

Say Something Lyrical

Save Me From Tomorrow~Feather light and feeling fine.~Knowing it's the good time.~Dreary days will come again.~of course they will.~But as of now, I cannot fathom why or when.~It's the thought of you...
Posted by Ferreson on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 03:00:00 PST

Writing - Viva Thaedrin

Viva ThaedrinThaedrin hadn't been asleep, had he? He didn't know. He couldn't answer that question. He couldn't tell. He may have been asleep for a thousand years. It was the same.'You have a beautifu...
Posted by Ferreson on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 01:47:00 PST

What I Saw or View From the Cocoon in a Busy World

Yesterday as I drove home from Los Angeles in the hot afternoon sun I decided to make my way straight through the clustered streets rather than go on the even more traffic congested freeway. I drove b...
Posted by Ferreson on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:12:00 PST


Last year during the month of August I went to several different places on rewarding vacations. Although the first word I thought of to describe them was relaxing, I remembered noticing, especially i...
Posted by Ferreson on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:10:00 PST

The Zombies Always Win

ZOMBIE is a game. Similar to a tag type of game, where you run around chasing each other, with a few specific differences that make it much funner and scarier than anything else. The game is usually p...
Posted by Ferreson on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 01:27:00 PST

Beautiful Orientals from the Orient

I read on a friend's journal recently that they felt offended when someone referred to them as an Oriental due to their Asian descent. I've always thought it strange when people were upset at this sor...
Posted by Ferreson on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 06:51:00 PST