Heyyy, I'm rob, nice to meet you
My life is pretty much perfect right now, sorry if yours isn't.
I owe all this to Jen, so thank you huni :]
I live off orange juice, cocktails and pizza hut
Plus i'm slightly addicted to el'diablos and TGI's in general.
I love inside jokes, especially ones involving slutty nurses
I'm also too sarcastic for my own good, it makes people want to hit me.
If you're a chav, theres a good chance I've tried to run you over
I also have a great hate for children, women with prams and people knocking on walls.
There arn't enough gigs in Manchester
and I have a 'look' which makes airport security hate me :[.
If you ever give me a parking ticket again, theres a chance i'll kill you :]
Oh right yeah, I have rage issues.
When I'm drunk, I like to talk about my penis/porn :]
If you're interesting, i'll probably like you
If yu tlk lyk dis, then I deffinetly won't.