Hovito profile picture


Blah Blah...Yakkity Smackity.......That's all I could think of.

About Me

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Haven't given much thought to how I can explain myself.........Buuuuuut, here it goes. I'm just a guy who is figuring out things as I go, don't have all the answer because it comes with age and experiance and sometimes it's positive and sometimes it's negative but whatever it is you can either learn from it or disregard it. For the yungin's out there, this statement is like the first time you have sex, not fully grasping the meaning but for us lil older folk, ya'll now EXACTLY what I mean. The person you see on this page is only half of me, besides the nice guy persona that has friends and likes to go out and kick it, there's the introvert side of me that can chill by his DAMN self takin in the sunny sunday (unless it's football season, then of course I'll be calling you to get yo *ss ova comes game time starts in 15min) My brother Jay aka Sandino is my ridah and will ride with me to the F**kin end! All I gotta do is call him up and say, "yo dawg you're lil brother needs you" Hootie Hoo, and in 10min the black beast(Impala Growling)will show up ready to put the smack down. It took almost 30years for me to figure out that you're blood(family)is always there when you need it, and family can be anyone who loves and respects you.Now the extrovert side of me, Man O Man do I love a jumpin party! Especially when I see a place filled with beautiful people, just makes you feel good. Hell beauty comes from with in, but don't tell me you don't look at the outside of a car FIRST before you sit in it and test it. AT the club, I go DUMB FO REAL, I don't care if I am a seasoned vet, being young is a state of mind(Just handle you're responsibilities and it's all gravey. Deep down, I'm kind of a Adrenaline junkie especially if you challange me. Like I said, DEEP DOWN, so if you didn't know that about me, then you didn't pay attention to the part where I said I have a introvert side of me, SH*T! don't give up all you're secrets. I'm a person of loyalty, and believe strongly in it, so if you become my friend, I will treat you with respect and expect the same. I have a few folks out there that know they are and always will be my friend. I have three mission is to be closer to my niece and nephew, they're growin up so fast and my cousins and they're children. We can get wrapped up in our everyday lives and miss the blessings we have right in front of us. And to see my parents more often now that they're in another state, the older I get the closer I feel intuned with them.
To all my peoples who want to get to know me..........HOLLA!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would LOVE to meet any of these beautiful women, I'll admit that being around good looking people just makes you feel good.


Now for all the good stuff, I love hip hop and R&B. When I hear Music, I tune everyone out. Music is a vision to the soul.


I love mafia movies: OF COURSE the Godfather, Goodfellas,Casino,Mobsters, Once upon a time in America, action movies is a must, Blade, Punisher, Underworld, Aliens, Mission Impossible, Swordfish(Halle Berry, can I marry you).....even back a lil further, Total Recall. And I LOVE Comedy's, and stand up comedy too.



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