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WGSN, World Global Style Network named Steelo' one of the TOP 20 Hottest Brand in the WORLD.
WGSN, World Global Style Network recently selected Steelo' as one of the TOP 20 Highlighted Brands, out of 1,400 booths at the recent Winter Edition of Project Las Vegas....
To view press, please to go to ONLINE STORE NOW OPEN!"I am a perfectionist, probably the most ambitious, motivated, hard-working 25 year old you will meet, you combine that enthusiasm for fashion and life with distinct creativity, unique design, and that's the recipe for Steelo'." -describes designer Matt Levine to
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In this evolving global community of style and fashion, there are very few who can face the challenge of dressing the most demanding of prominent stylish celebrities. At 23, Matt Levine, creator and designer of Steelo, is doing just that and more. With the force of the newly formed Status PR channeling, and Mr. Levine’s fashion intuition and social acumen, this young man is on a mission as he rocks youthful style from Hong Kong to Germany. Steelo is about an individuals personal style and self expression, says Matt, and it’s for the young man who wants to make a personal statement with confidence while appearing indifferent to fashion and trends. Where he lives, what he drives, what he listens to and where he goes fits in with a new generation of affluent pacesetters. A global traveler for pleasure or performances, the Steelo guy hangs in Hollywood, parties in St. Tropez, surfs on Kauai and spins wherever he wants. He is an attention magnet whenever he enters a room because he is the envy of all!
Matt tells us that his objective with Steelo is not to flood the market with his collection, so he aims to reach a very select clientele. Steelo is available only in some of he world’s most exclusive stores. Steelo is fast becoming a favorite of young Hollywood and already is an essential part of the Black Eyed Peas infamous look and vibe. Celebrities embrace the uniqueness of Steelo and the It factor that each garment pulls in. Looking through the collection with Matt, it is evident that the collection is not for everyone, but that elements of his designs are sure to influence more mainstream designers. A few pieces will make a standout statement anytime in anyone’s wardrobe. Now that Matt Levine’s fashion-forward collection is making a major mark in men’s fashion, Matt is turning his attention to the world of PR. With his new company Status PR Matt will bring a new dimension to companies that want to tap into the world of style. Matt’s flair for style and true respect for all makes it evident to us that Status PR is going to be the next big thing. Whets next for this mature 23-year-old wunderkind? Steelo Air, luxury and style at 30,000 feet on Steelo super sonic Concords? Steelo Resorts for his exclusive clientele and the jet-set party crowd?
Lets start with your latest collection. What was your inspiration?
My inspiration stems from a collective creativity; different music, art, experiences. I consider fashion an art, kind of like each individual’s masterpiece. A person’s clothing, and style is like an outward expression of their personality, confidence, mood and their swagger. People make statements through fashion everyday without saying a word. I guess you could say the ability to be seen and heard through an outfit, even a piece, is what drives my designs and creative flow – how do people who wear my label want to express themselves. I get inspiration on an international level, New York City, Berlin, Hong Kong, Japan, London, Los Angeles, Steelo really draws from a specific feel that echoes around the world. I think Fall 2007 is a sophisticated style with a twist of fresh elegance. It really pays close attention to detail while providing fresh angles and silhouettes to classic, traditional styles. I used a lot of contrast fabric lining, double lapels, mock double layers, paneling, trim lapel detail and working cuffs to highlight this latest collection. I really got a lot of positive feedback, from both vendors and consumers, liking the new twists - extra long, wide hoods, hoods with brims, wide shawl panels, and even a vest connecting to the outside of a blazer.
Who do you envision wearing this collection?
I honestly don't have a specific customer. What I have found out through some consumer feedback and research is that the Steelo' customer is a faithful one. Not everyone can rock a Steelo' blazer. As I mentioned, the undertone and inspiration behind the designs doesn’t flow for everyone, nor would I want it to. The majority of the people might not have the swagger to rock a Steelo blazer, but I guarantee those 3 customers own multiple items. They believe in the philosophy and expression behind the lifestyle. I receive fan mail every week from customers all over the world. Because I keep Steelo' exclusive and its distribution limited, I envision the Steelo’ customer, in 3 words, "fresh, confident and sophisticated." They know, understand, and appreciate style.
Do you have a main competitor?
Steelo' fills a void in fashion, it really creates a niche in men's design. I truly don't consider the simplicity of other brands as competitors. Many designers and mainstream brands are scared to push design confines, scared to add creativity to traditional silhouettes, scared to be unique. I am not one to hold back my thoughts, so why would it be any different when translating into my clothing? I'm not in competition with anybody but myself, but Steelo'. My goal is to surpass my vision and designs from my previous season.
What do you see as the pitfall for young brands/ designers?
There are amazing designers out there, and there are amazing businessmen & women in that same pool. It’s very difficult though, to find that happy medium. Creating a brand is not just putting designs on a piece of paper and hoping they sell come market. There is an entire process for introducing and successfully building a brand, a lifestyle. There’s design, fabric, sampling, marketing, sales, production. All of these things have to come together and mesh. It takes a lot of out-of-the box thinking and many young designers don’t see the overall picture – at least the business attributes. A lot of designers also conform to trends, norms and what is already out in the industry. Failing to utilize a unique and special vision will not separate you from anybody else.
What does the name mean?
Steelo' is about an individuals personal style and self-expression. It is for the man who wants to make a personal statement with confidence; without adhering to the industry’s mimic fashion and trends. I always had my own style so when people would ask me what I am wearing, what I am rocking, I used to respond, "it's my Steelo."
How and why did Steelo start - - who started it?
I graduated a semester early from College in 2004, and Steelo' initially started with 10 screen-printed t-shirts. At that time, I was hired to put together special events, most being various concert after-parties around the country. I would travel with various major artists on tour and I’d bring my samples. I would hit different stores while traveling, taking time to introduce the brand and its philosophy. That was the official launch of the Steelo’ lifestyle, at least the start of getting it distributed in key markets and exclusive doors. One of the first shirts I made, the "I Love Paparazzi" shirt, was featured on the NBC Today Show. They talked about it being worn by celebrities such as Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. From tees, I would buy yardage in the garment center, and construct hand-tweeded and hand-woven “western-style” shirts. Along with that season, I was the first designer to attach the sweatshirt to the blazer.
Where can it be purchased and what is the price point?
Fall 2007 has been bought by Bill Hallman Atlanta, Details Orlando, Fred Segal Santa Monica, Fusion Philadelphia, Leaders Chicago, Lounge New York, Riccardi Boston, Skye Denver, TK Men Chicago, Traffic Beverly Centre, just to name a few. Fall 2007 blazers are retailing at around $400+, sweaters at $250+. For a sneak peak of the Fall 2007 collection, check out our website at
What do you rely on for advertising/ marketing the brand?
I honestly don't believe in advertising. My logic is that when you sell the right stores, you sell the right people. The stores that I sell share the same vision of creating an exclusive innovative atmosphere for it's customers, which translates into the right consumer and word of mouth takes over. Every time someone buys a Steelo' “masterpiece”, they are marketing the design, as well as themselves. Steelo’ ignites swagger. Advertising and marketing doesn’t pay the bills, quality product and conceptual design does. I'd rather be seen on the street than in an advertisement. Rather than considering Steelo' a "brand," I try to look at each style, each collection, each season and view it as it's own identity, own personality, own creation.
Can we expect to see the collection in fashion shows/ trade shows?
I look at Steelo' as an international lifestyle. Many designers and brands look at the United States as an entire market, but I look at the entire map, entire globe even, as a potential distribution platform. Keeping true to my mission statement and roots, and for the integrity of Steelo' - I want to keep distribution limited and exclusive here in the United States, cap the amount of doors that I sell. In doing that, I create the same amount of distribution in other countries. So to answer your question, after launching Steelo' at such U.S. Tradeshows as Project and Agenda, I have participated in such International Trade Shows as Australian Fashion Week, Bread & Butter Barcelona, Bread & Butter Berlin, and London Margin.
Tradeshows are a great platform to meet new customers, shake a lot of hands, say a lot of hellos, but it's much more personal for me to actually go to the stores, because at tradeshows you never really know who you are selling. I like to see the layout, the concept, the vision of the store- meet the staff, see the customer. I have been to Australia, Berlin, Hong Kong and London with my samples. I prefer using Mapquest (shout out to Mapquest!) - going from store to store, that is definitely something I’d rather do than attend a tradeshow.
Any plans for a women’s line in the future?
I know what I want to wear, what's missing in the men's market, so designing men's comes naturally. Women are too complicated. First let me settle down, understand the women, and then I will design a women's line! Basically, I need some female inspiration, ladies!, please send all applications to.......just kidding, just kidding. Eventually, I will design women's, but my goal is to master the men's design world first.
What's next for the collection?
Stay tuned! Just know, each season, I re-invent Steelo', so expect the unexpected.... (that sounds like a horrible movie trailer)
Any words of advice or wisdom for someone trying to break into your profession or do what you do on a daily basis?
I once heard some quotes, "Lack of will power has caused more failure than lack of intelligence or ability," “Opportunity doesn’t knock, it waits.” Every one that I have hired, I have ripped up their resume in front of them. I'd hire ambition, hardwork and motivation over experience. My words of advice or wisdom for someone trying to break into fashion is, truly pursue their passion and not to get deterred easily. Hardwork does pay off, but more importantly, seek advice and learning from other people, and learn from their mistakes as well as your own. Fashion is global; your mind shouldn't be narrow. I consider myself extremely stubborn, but what I have learned is to listen to as much criticism as possible, whether I feel the need to accept and absorb the opinion is up to my discretion, but it can never hurt to listen......
Work Hard, Play Harder…..have fun, you only live once, no regrets!, and your designs should reflect that!
"If not now, when?"
If the powerful politicans of the world are coming to the GB summit to Mecklenburg-Vorpmmerm, the northern part of Germany will be on it's best not only with the venue "Heiligendamm." Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is also the host of the international fashion event: the USEDOM BALTIC FASHION.
Steelo' was the only brand invited from the United States to represent in USEDEOM BALTIC FASHION welcoming guests and journalists on the island Usedom. The reason is the pier of Heringsdorf, which will become with 400 m, THE LONGEST CATWALK IN CONTINENTAL EUROPE, which will be known as:
Steelo' was invited to this unique fashion event, taking place on June 1st, 2007.
The pictures from this fashion show will go around the world, thousands of journalists will come for coverage, many international guests will become multipliers for Mecklenburg-Vorpommerm.
Mecklenburg-Vorpommerm: this are inherent natural beauty, cultural traditions and international events, with this great fashion gala building bridges from Germany to many countries all over the world.
Fashion is international, and multi-cultural, fashion connects people and nations over all language barriers and builds bridges over frontiers, rivers and oceans.
Approximately 50 models on this special catwalk on a tropical pier - showcasing designer collections from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Germany, Canada, Japan, France, Great Britain, Italy, and representing the United States.....Steelo'.
This attractive and exceptional event will also be a highlight for thousands of tourists on Usedom. Usedom being one of the sunniest, and hippest regions in Germany.
The BRIDGE OF FASHION will be a special media event and public viewing The fashion show will be transmitted via installations to the beach.
The BRIDGE OF FASHION is a performance of the "3 Kaiserbader" in collaboration with tourism alliance for Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, kindly supported by the government of Mecklenburg-Vorpomern.
Steelo' will be showing it's Fall 2007 collection, which will be available in stores September 15th.

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If you are interested in carrying Steelo' in your boutique or would like to reccommend a store to sell, please email [email protected]

For a Fall 2007 linesheet, please email [email protected]


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Steelo' is making fashion happen with directional silhouettes and lots of embellishments. Blending European influences with the latest trends, Steelo's fall collection will be sold at Bill Hallman, Fred Segal Street Santa Monica, Leaders Chicago, Lounge New York, Pieces Brooklyn, Probus New York, Riccardi Boston, Skye Denver, Takashimaya 5th Avenue New York, TK Men Chicago, and Traffic Beverly Centre LA. Photos from fall after the jump.

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