Collecting punk and hardcore records that DON'T SUCK,fluffy dogs, going on roadtrips outta' town,laughing at yuppies and pretentious idiots,Antics in general, viewing local shows that DON'T SUCK,Rewinding the funniest scenes in Silence of the lambs with "PRECIOUS"... making fun of punk fashion...................inside jokes,acting stupid in public,getting a crush on your little sister,hating corporate scumbags like walmart and Sams Club,, old school skateboarding....Ditches,big hills,and pools are where its at...
I'd like to meet "god" or "christ",but he apparently doesn't exist...That's ok,I didn't need him anyway...
Power Violence,GRIND,oldschool thrash (fuck all these bands who rip off D.R.I.),NO COMMENT,CROSSED OUT,INFEST,BRUTAL DEATH,BLOODY PHOENIX,THE KIDS,lots of older punk stuff,to much to name...I've been collecting records as long as i can remember...
Big Lubowski,Silence of the Lambs...(PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!)Office Space,Corn Dog Man,Thrashin',Street Trash,I Spit on your grave, any crappy movie from the eighties, bad horror movies like "Rocktober Blood"....(SERIOUSLY,that's THE LAMEST horror movie EVER...)
Free Speech T.V.,Democracy Now!,besides that...Don't waste your time...Go spin a record...
Chicken Farm,debbi's dirt road,kissin cousins,dog raped know...the good stuff.
Anyone who skated for H-Street...Anyone who steals from big corporations...Anyone who stands up for animal rights and spays/neuters their pet...... People who support underground D.I.Y. hardcore...