Incredible Jazz Jam profile picture

Incredible Jazz Jam

About Me

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Luc Siccard is a belgian jazzman who had the idea, in 2003, to rally all non-professional and professional jazzmen from Belgium AND FROM ABROAD for a great and INCREDIBLE JAZZ JAM. Every musician is welcome to play here for the fun, for the only pleasure to make good jazz. This event is and will keep being a free event for all jazz lovers, musicians or/and audience.
A great rendez-vous that happens every year, the last Saturday of August.We already had the great pleasure to see (listed alphabetically) :
Eve Beuvens, Alexandre Cavaliere, Roberto Cirrincione(IT), Mario Coppola, Fred Delplancq, Mathieu DeWit, Jean-François Foliez, Igor Gehenot, Sylvain Haenen, Véronique Hocq, Nicola Lanceroti, David Legley, Gianlivio Liberti(IT), Peter Maguire(GB), Piotr Paluch, Dave Palumbo, Alain Pierre, Antoine Pierre, Maxime Pistorio, Verginia Popova, Xavier Rogé, Laurent Romedenne, Boris Schmidt, Yannick Schyns, Olivier Stalon, Sabin Todorov(BG), Nana Vanderperre, Gaetano Vullo, etc ...
The Incredible Jazz Jam EDITION 2009 - 7th edition, Saturday the 29th of August 2009, starting 6.00 p.m.
Inn'R'Green - road map - Click here to get the road map to the Inn'R'Green

Here below are the first pictures of the 6th INCREDIBLE Jazz JAM !!

Here below are the pictures made by my friend Fabienne Cresens ( Picturelle ), thank you Fabienne for these nice souvenirs.
Please consult Fabienne before any use or publishing of these pictures.
Here below are the pictures made by my friend ( Serge Gutwirth ), thank you Serge for these nice souvenirs.
Please consult Serge before any use or publishing of these pictures.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Luc Siccard, the event instigator, would like to meet all jazz musicians, amateurs and professionals for this yearly big and incredible jazz jam.The access is free for musicians and for audience !! So please, be welcome

Please have a look to the following websites :

Sponsors :
Major Sponsor

Work King Size Major Sponsor

Just For Work Major Sponsor

LS Indep Sponsor

Inn'R'Green Our inviting host site

Go Graphic Flyers design


Precious to know :

Combo's Training Courses and Jams Organizer

Belgian Musicians database, Infos about concerts in Belgium, Jazz Training Courses

Jazz sur la RTBF Philippe Baron's Jazz Broadcast : JAZZ from 6.30 to 7.30 p.m. every day on Music3 and LE GRAND JAZZ from 9 to 10 p.m. on La Première

Le Blog de Jazzques Jazzques haunts many jazz places in Brussels and around, he tells you about his feelings

Académie d'Eté de Libramont Jazz Training Courses

Jazz Singer's Nights Big Monthly Singers Meeting at the Sounds Jazz Club

Jazz Clubs :

B-1000 Bruxelles

The Music Village 50, rue des Pierres à 1000 Bruxelles – Tél : +32 2 513 13 45

Archiduc Jazz Club 6, rue Antoine Dansaert à 1000 Bruxelles – Tél : +32 2 512 06 52

Sounds Jazz Club 28, rue de la Tulipe à 1050 Ixelles – Tél : +32 2 512 92 50

Jazz Station 193A, chaussée de Louvain à 1210 Bruxelles – Tél : +32 2 733 13 78

Sazz'N'Jazz 241, rue Royale à 1210 Bruxelles – Tél : +32 475 78 23 78

B-4000 Liège

Jacques Peltzer Jazz Club 493, boulevard E. Solvay à 4000 Liège – Tél : +32 4 227 12 55

B-5000 Namur

Jazz 8 8, rue de l'Usine à 5032 Mazy – Tél : + 32 499 147 014 (mobile)


Jazz Clubs Worldwide Peter Maguire presente les Jazz Clubs du monde entier, ainsi qu'une base de donnée des musiciens de jazz dans le monde

Jazz Festivals :

february-March, in B-5000 Namur (Belgium) : Nam in Jazz

May, 1st week in B-4000 Liège (Belgium) : Jazz à Liège

May, 3rd week in B-1000 Bruxelles (Belgium) : Brussels Jazz Marathon

June, 3rd week in B-1090 Jette (Belgium) : Jazz Jette June

June, 3rd week in B-7080 Frameries (Belgique) : Frameries Jazz Festival

July, 1st week in B-6670 Gouvy (Belgium) : Gouvy Jazz festival

July, 2nd week in NL-2601 Delft (the Netherland) : North Sea Jazz Festival

July, 2nd week in B-9000 Gent (Belgium) : Blue Note Festival

August, 2nd week in B-2000 Antwerpen (Belgium) : JazzMiddelheim

August, 2nd week in B-6730 Rossignol (Belgium) : Gaume Jazz Festival

August, last Saturday in B-1070 Bruxelles (Belgium) : Incredible Jazz Jam

My Blog

Incredible Jazz Jam 2007 (5th edition)

Edition 2007 ci-dessous :
Posted by on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 05:54:00 GMT

Quelques mots extraits du Livre d'Or

................ Quelques mots extraits du Livre d'Or 2008 "Merci beaucoup, malheureusement je devais partir tôt. A l'année prochaine." (de Dylan Darby) "Bravo les musiciens ! Je ne ...
Posted by on Tue, 28 Jul 2009 16:01:00 GMT

L'histoire de l'Incredible Jazz Jam

C'est en 2003, après avoir organisé mon anniversaire à l'Aquamarine que se confirme l'idée, que j'ai depuis longtemps déjà, d'organiser une Jam de Jazz. Ayant plusieurs fois participé au stage "Jazz a...
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 04:08:00 GMT