Just about everything and everyone, surfing, going to the gym, movies, clubing, dancing, gymnastics, ect....
My MAKER....I don't know
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All sorts.... from country to heavy metal to hip hop to soft rock and alternative and others not rap
Comedy, and horror no drama hate all drama
7 th heaven, gilmore girls, and reality tv.....Prison break Mind of mensia
School books???
1st and foremost my father who I admire when I am over 800 miles away. He had many chance to take me out of this world but never did..... He has taught me to be an asset to this world. Then my loving husband which I love with all my heart. We have grown up together in so many ways. And my 2 boys Anthony and Isaiah for whenever they are down they don't dwell just get right back up and go again. I now have to add my brother for doing so many stupid things in his life that I will learn from his mistakes rather than my own...not usual I learn from someone elses. OH yeah my mother for NOT being a mother and making rough in tough on the outside but cry on the in.