~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ profile picture

~*~ Simply Divine ~*~

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About Me


Thank you Michael for this one!! Totally loved it:)

I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. ~Anais Nin

"We and our world interpenetrate. If anything, the world exists for us, and we exist for ourselves. It is only in assuming full responsibility for our world, for our lives and for ourselves that we can be said to live really for God." ~Thomas Merton

I love art, music, film, photography, reading, writing, gaming. I am a Yoga freak ;) I have been priviledged in my childhood to have traveled all around the world. Spent a summer in Europe, love the mexico coastline, slept in the Sinai desert for 10 days ( love the Egyptian desert!) Best of all places traveled would have to be Israel....I lived in Israel for near 2 years, while my parents studied archeology. I am an independent in the political realm. I am outsopken about my views on politics, religion and social issues. I am married to a wonderful man ( and fellow Texan ), who is in the USNavy. I have two wonderful children and he has three. We are currently stationed here in Hawaii. Have a 45 foot sailboat that we are learning to sail...thanks Drew!! We also belong to Hawaii Yacht Club here in Honolulu. We have made some awesome lifelong friends on our travels and we are definitely blessed!

Weather Forecast | Weather Maps | Weather RadarThe beautiful music of the world!!! Listen and Love...xx d

My Interests

Art, Film,Photography, Music, Gaming, Eastern Philosophy, Politics, Writing. Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods. Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'd like to meet:

I love my life and I love my family and friends!!!!!!!

All that we are is the result of what we have thought ~Buddah

If you invite me to an anti-war rally I will say no but if you invite me to a peace rally I will come. ~Mother Theresa

Add Marilyn Monroe quotes to your profile!
MySpace Comments

My cafemom page :)

My CafeMom screen name is: Cardigangirl


My taste in music is W I D E !!! I love all kinds of music.


We have over 4,700 films...there is no way I could even begin to list them all.

My Numero Uno fav actor...those eyes and that smile...a perfect combination for a captivating actor. Quite witty also!..You probably recognize his unforgettable mug in a few films...most notably, "Phantom of the Opera" and "300" and a new favorite of mine..because I am of female gender..lol.."ps. i love you" ( get a tissue!) he is none other than...Gerard Butler....purrrrr Thank you God for the Scotsman...and his kilt. ;)!!!!

What can I say....this woman is the most amazing actor I have seen in a long time! Every role she does is raptured by her absolute presence. I love everything and anything Jolie...it was SUPER hard, but I leveled it down to 2 fav films...'Girl, Interrupted' and 'A Mighty Heart'.

Alright...Clive Owen is also one of my favorite actors!! He draws you to him and commands your attention. Absolutely and completely stunning looks *drool* and absolutely brilliant acting! He plays a bad boy so well! Fav films are "Arthur" and "Elizabeth the Goldenage".

Completely amazing actor...I have to see everything she does....it is her eyes...they draw you in..plus her acting ability isn't too shabby either ;)Fav two films are : The Others and Birth

now for the directors

Huge Tim Burton fan....wowzy....favorite films by Tim ( sorry I could not choice between the two..LOL ) still remains to this very day....'Beetle Juice'AND 'Sleepy Hollow' amazing director and brilliant mind!

None other than M.Night. Shyamalan.....very loved by my entire family!!! Love all his films and cannot get enough! Favorite all time films ( again cannot choose which one I like the best..LOL )....'The Village' and 'The Sixth Sense'

Last but not least.....Sir Alfred Hitchcock!...THE father of modern suspense. Without him, the thrillers we have today would not exist. My favorite films ( again in pairs ) 'Psycho' and 'Rear Window' WOW WOW WOW!


Army Wives, House, Sex in the City, Charmed, Absolutely Fabulous, Hell's Kitchen, Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares ( and revisted), Paranormal State, Ghost Hunters ( TAPS ), Rescue Mediums and anything on the BBCAmerica, Discovery Channel, ID and National Geo.We are also devoted gamers!!Currently playing :Assassins Creed on 360:)



"Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer


my mom!

My Blog

McCain v Obama ( w/no spin! )

Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 11:43:00 PST

No AIG Bail Out

( Got this in my email from Miss Melanie and I totally agree with this. Would be nice for once, opening up mail and receiving a check! ~ d ) I'm  against the $85,000,000,000.00  (or wha...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:13:00 PST

a long a$$ survey and a Hubby survey ( thanks Jenn & Cheri )

..TR>   If you were upset , who' s the first guy you would go to?* PatHow tall is the last perso n you hugge d? * 6 ftWhats the last movie you watch ed? * an oldie but goodie "Ronin"...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 06:05:00 PST

A Sweet Goodbye

I am a huge admirer of paul Newman as a human being and humanitarian and as an incredible actor, with strength, morals and beauty unseen by today's actors. I am truly saddened early this morning to ha...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 07:11:00 PST

Hurricane Survival Kit ( lol )

The funny part about this picture...I know these two have to be from the Texas gulf area, call it a Texas familiarity..LOL Hurricane Survival KitToilet Paper..............................checkBud Lig...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 11:23:00 PST

This is my creed and ALL women should adopt this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I live and breathe this....I LOVE LOVE LOVE this poem by Maya Angelou!!!!! This is exactly how EVERY single woman should be!!! Dena   A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE . enough money within her control to mov...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:48:00 PST

Resisting the Urge to Control!

Imposing Your Will On Others The right to make your own choices is a precious one. We grow when we have the freedom to decide our own paths and determine what makes us happy. Yet there are those who ...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:46:00 PST

Exploring the Soul

Exploring the Soul Throughout the journey from birth to death, many people choose to question life, strive for improvement, seek out knowledge, and search for the divine. Simply put, this is the essen...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:44:00 PST

....and now for something completely different.....

Totally dig this idea!d  ...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 03:23:00 PST

Obama for Partial Birth Abortions

Not a smear.....just a fact.....I personally think this is barbaric, though.The videos may be sensitive to some viewers, nothing in the videos shows actual abortions..just goes in depth about partial ...
Posted by ~*~ Simply Divine ~*~ on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 12:42:00 PST