Presently, I've decided to keep this wonderful song on my page--[In case you've just "tuned in", this was the "substitute song" I used at my other page,
I love this song very much. It makes me think of the people and places, represented by the two flags above and the others you see here, and of the love given to and taken from so many wonderful, kind people--lovers come and go, you know; sometimes war and chaos and economics interfere with peoples' little lives--we aren't important enough in comparison to the political agenda of agents of change, who bring bombs, exploitation or unexpected invasion into the arena....But Nop Bayarith's wonderful song here, well, to me, it's kinda a justification--it makes it okay, "You loved and lost--yes, yes, too bad, but AT LEAST YOU STILL HAD THE CAPACITY TO LOVE and your love was good", c'est la vie, ma vie tres seulement dans Etats Unis, dans l'Indo-chine, dans Luxembourg....But there's something else! The song is romantic, which is usually a turn-off to me, in all honesty. But because it's just so full of a man's passions and words--words of LOVE FOR SOME GIRL, well, this guy, his name is Nop Bayarith--man, he's got a lot of STRONG words and STRONG PASSION behind them--I admire him, and HE"S GOT JUST THE PERFECT VOCALS to deliver his message of words and passion!!! This Cambodian singer resides in Phnom Penh, and you know just by listening to the song that HE REALLY LOVED that girl, and wasn't really all that happy as a result of it, so it seems--it's a beautiful song. ANY man--not just Khmer--any guy could understand this guy's desperate plaintive cry, his wonderful testimonial, his last stand on the little big horn, like a Custer for love.... Used to be Im Srey Peouv here singing--but she's still at my other page called
---I just put her pictures here and stuff-stuff: BUT I gotta keep this song somewhere--I like it, so it stays on this page. Click on Kim-Ha Albert's head in My Friends thingy and that'll take you to the wonderful slow rhumba by Im Srey Peouv "Falling into You" now playing on that page! Or just go see Peouv at and be her friend. She needs lots of love and lots of friends--show her you love her and care--give it up to the one person on myspace who really deserves everything you got in your heart. She needs it--she needs a lot of true love, and that's just because that's the woman she is, soooo generous and very kind, and wonderful. An Apsaras!
I can't and never want to get over the haunting, mysterious & seductive Khmer lyrics this lady croons so poignantly and lovingly to "that ONE" who everyone has deep inside...I did this picture recently--her name is SoPhY, she's my friend at my other page, but I like her and the picture I did came out pretty good, so I'm gonna just plaster it right here.She's really very pretty: I did this from a photo! Can you IMAGINE how good it'd look if I drew her from life? But girls never sit still long enough, they're ALWAYS fidgeting and just like in that 1960 movie "The World of Suzie Wong", staring William Holden as an artist in Hong Kong, after they pose, after they sit, then you gotta take them out to eat, and here's where I come up short! (Short of CASH, that is!)Here's another of SoPhY:
If I were Nop Bayarith singing "AVEY AVEY TROV BONCHOP", well, if it were Sophy's love I was losing, then the song would make me sing it as passionately as he does here. And if were that Mega-Star IM SREY PEOUV that needed serenading, well, I suppose then I'd have to write my own song for her.... Fortunately, I don't have to do any of THAT kind of work, which enables me to devote my time to other activities, such as calligraphy, like this simple piece, in Chinese...
[FYI: When Wang Fei a.k.a Faye Wang sings these three characters--spit flies out of her mouth time and time again!]
...or, here's the beginning of my great Korean novel, which I STILL haven't finished!and art!I love art and artwork--making art! Here's my favorite topic of art as of late! She's Wang Fei (Faye Wong)
Here's here most beautiful, lovely face!
And, although lovely & pretty faces are FUN,there are other things to do, and I've had a lot of time to do a lot of things, because, with me, pretty faces come and go, and I suppose that's some weird blessing in disguise for me.I study a great deal of history, language and literature--I love literature of all kinds! And language study is my forte!I love Khmer! It's truly beautiful and very logical!
That was a piece of a letter I sent to IM SREY PEOUV, where I just borrowed a couple of lines from her famous song!
Here's more "Chenjinxia writes Khmer"!
I'd like to meet:
IM SREY PEOUV, or course--just go to these sites below, and you'll see why!
Now, the most serious thing I could say on this page that you'll ever read is this: I really would like to meet this girl!!! If you can help me make that "happen" talk to me babe, talk to me!On a more serious note, just look and see who, in my chenjinxia's friends is #1! See? It's the magnificent IM SREY PEOUV. That tells you all you really need to know about me! I'm crazy about her and the music she makes....
Mostly Chinese and Vietnamese music--many of the things I like are "dated", but there are some new people "out there" which are truly FRESH and wonderful--The first person to come to mind is IM SREY PEOUV and her hit song "falling into You" which I truly enjoy!Old favorites, however, such as the work of Khanh Lyfrom Hanoi, and Faye Wang (Wang Fei)are by far the things I have loved the most, but this Seattle/Battambang gal all over this page has got me hooked--if you want to see more about me, music and IM SREY PEOUV please go find my original site at and I'm certain you will find something plastered there that you may love!
Faye Wang (a.k.a. Wang Fei) is my favorite performer! But I like Wen Bi Xia (Cantonese: Wan Bik Ha).You can plainly see why I adore her! Not only is she gorgeous but her music is so enchanting--moreover, she, like Faye, is a great actress!!My favorite movie is Casablanca. But "A Beautiful New world" which I reviewed elsewhere, is my most favorite current choice.
AZN, the History Channel, good ole CNN, Fox News, TNT....The X Files, M*A*S*H reruns, and SEINFELD
So many books, but basically things which are of historical content.
This book, The Arms of Krupp, by William Manchester, is the first that comes to my mind as my most favorite volume of work.The Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh is another book for me of great inspiration!He wrote his poems in Chinese while a prisoner of the evil Chiang Kai-Shek (Cash-My Check) puppet regieme actually helping Japan, where his real bosses were, kill off as many Chinese people as possible, and getting PAID by the American$ big moolah to lose the war really good. Later this trick was played on Ho Chi Minh in Viet-Nam!I can't ever seem to not keep going back to Adam Smith's book Paper Money which came out in the 1980'sThe Prison Diary of Ho Chi Minh is very much loved!And of course, the book I like to read and re-read all the time is this book by Sterling Seagrave, The Soong Dynasty
Okay Boys and Girls--Who wants to have some FUN? Because now it's THAT time--you came all the way down here, and we're all going to sing in CAMBODIAN with the nice gal down below--just click on the arrow, because it's TIME sing along with Youk Tetratha, this song called "Sa-ek jeur heury"Here we go!Mokh riep rup tha-khloun oh hai ong vo---------------------------------------------Som snae own shlai-------------------------------------Prap bong-kong ban Dai!---------Own put jee-nef t'mien k'mien ku--------kopf te'mien----Dai Kheung dai snaf--------------
Dan pleuv doi chi-nay!-----------Chin lan chat-mak ti co con pros---------Oi on ah-so-----Man de-prov o klan tlae!--------------
Snae , snae--------Ta-sha ban de-prob-vay--------------Hai mok ong vo som snaep-on mot yai-gai!-----------Chess a-chee bong hai!------------Snae snae high!--------Pros chi lan mak ti co----------
Chischee pro hai no dutcheek mo-chel------------Chess a-chee bong hai!---------------------Sai chi high!-----------------Song bong touv don rut-yun----------------Highng-gup pro ban-----------------Bong ah-leng kon san-yi-yan-yi-yaaah-PRO CON!!----------------(Repeat!)Now you know your FIRST catchy Khmer tune!!!Now YOU TOO can be a CAMBODIAN Idol!!
(Ain't she just so cute!)Now the dance, is just like, you gotta have the "martial-attitude" as if you're the Proud Invaders in the film "Mars Attacks!"
Git down--git down to it!!!
1-2-3 BAM 1-2-3 BAM! EASY!