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Elder Wallace

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About Me

Elder Wallace Mouzone is a loving husband, father and a living example of what a twenty first century man of God should be. His life in and out of the pulpit exemplifies the epitome of one who is set aside and fit for the master’s use. He was ordained and licensed an Elder May 1983. He is a graduate of Norfolk State University and Mercer Co. Comm. College. His biblical studies came from Norfolk State Univ., N.Y. Bible College, Howard Univ., and CBI. Elder, as he is so affectionately called by his peers; enjoy traveling through out the length and breath of our country and abroad preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ by way of Empowerment Conferences and Revivals. He is a member of The Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church, and serves on the Evangelistic board for the past seventeen years. Elder is an Employee of the Church as a full time Resource Teacher with the responsibility testing all new students entering the Calvary Christian Academy. His commitment to pointing souls to Christ affirms the calling of the lord upon his life. He loves his Pastor, Bishop Alfred A. Owens Jr. and attempts to model his life where ever he goes about doing the Lords work... I edited my profile at Free Christian MySpace Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Mission StatementThe purpose of this ministry is to present the world a functional faith practice, both relative and reflective of “The anointing of Jesus Christ”. We aim to transform lives by Revivals and ‘Empowerment Conferences’ to help impact the communities as servants of God as outlined in the Holy Bible. We fulfill our calling that moves corporate worship through service beyond the walls of our local sanctuary by way of evangelism.

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End Time International Ministries is a God Directed, God Fearing, Bible believing ministry that was birthed out of life’s experiences, set backs, but yet determination to being more than a conquer. ETI ministry was founded in 1985. The ministry began spear heading feeding and clothing programs in the city of Paterson, New Jersey; by using street meetings and tent meetings to assist the people both naturally spiritually. The ministry became a vibrant tool within the community for the poor and needy, helping to find direction, seek out purpose, and pursues the God given destiny of the people. This ministry, I believe, was designed by God to help the body of Christ in her pursuit of a wholelistic future of Christendom and empowerment as we live in these End times. I believe that End time International Ministry is a mandate from God and that this ministry is a tool of Deliverance used by God to prepare the Body of Christ and even the world, for his second coming. End Time International Ministries is open to anyone who wants to come and be ministered to and pray to God for their deliverance. This ministry is made up of individuals from the inner city but also has members from surrounding suburbs; People of all ages who are involved in the work of the Lord and his service.


Recommended readings;So You Call yourself A Man - T.D. Jakes

My Blog

Understanding the social mirrow as it relates to a life of Christ

The social mirrow is a metaphor for the way we see ourselves as it relates to a life of Christ. Others reflect their preceptions, opinions, and paradigms about us through their words and behaviors. Ca...
Posted by Elder Wallace on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 05:24:00 PST