Hobbies/Skills: Modeling, Acting, Drawing, Singing, Dance, Fashion Design, Photgraphy, Poetry, Music (History in music includes: 6 years in Violin, 2 years in Piano, 10 years in Church Choir - 1st & 2nd Soprano and Alto, Art, Performing Arts, et cetera.
Anyone who is worth meeting any and all other Extraordinarily Talented Successful Minorities in the industry.
Gospel, R&B, Instrumentals, Neo-Soul, Oldies (but goodies)
America's Next Top Model,The Agency, Grays Anatomy, CSI Miami, 106th and Park.
Don’t sell your soul to get anything or anywhere because you may need it someday -(Kara Saun, clothing designer)Success is not granted to those with talent... Money doesn't just fall into open and willing pockets... It takes motivation, an internal drive and a certain passion for your gift, whatever it may be, for one to have that sense of victory, achievement and SUCCESS... Then comes the money. Work on your perfection, the compensation will soon follow suit. -Shay Jean (04-02-2007)A life without God is not a life, it is but a mere existence... Do you want to live or just exist? Got Jesus? -Shay Jean(04-02-2007)Life sucks and then you die... Fortunately for me, this is a lie... For I believe not that one is doomed to be unhappy, ill regarded, or unpleased... It is what you make it... Life, that is... So make the best of what you got... Shay Jean (5-11-2007)"God has the power to let you know who God is." - Tyler Perry (6-1-2007)
My Mother, Father and God... and Tyler Perry