You didn..'t see me coming no ??!!!! Really it..'s ..'cause I..'m the real lady..'s man...
When did you get started with hip-hop music ?
It was in 2000...At that time I was down with .."Cypherstrong.."
How many people were you in that group ?
We were 3 G; Me my man Red-D and Quiet son.
Do you remember where you did your first show ?
Yeah it was at school man..The Horizon school.
Who was your hip-hop influence ?
The first group I..'ve listen to "Wu-tang.."...Method was and still my favorite artist...I also listen some Jay-Z, Snoop, Dre, Smooth the hustler, Cam..'...You want anyone more !!! (laughting)
Tell me as kid what did you want to do in life ?
I wanted to be an actor or a rapper...
Why ?
Since I..'m a kid I..'m surrounding by music, my dad is a D.J.and he showed me everything you need to know about shows...I also have older bro that does hip-hop...And I have my bro Markly that use to do some acting when I was younger so that..'s where it comes from...
Tell me what kind of guy are you ?
I..'m a reserved guy and I like when things get done properly... and also when they get done on time !!!!
What kind of music do you do ?
I do some rap, reggae, underground, commercial...That..'s why they call me The Unexpected !!!!! (laughting)
What sign are you ?
And what age ?
When is your album .."The Unexpected.." coming out ?
It..'s coming out this summer be ready....!!!
Do you have anything else to add ?
To all the good talent and buisness people...I..'m down to do good projects..Holla back at me at :
( Enterviewed on march 22 by Double J )