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Kitt Kaboodle


About Me

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I am an Actor and model for Vintage fashion and am slowly creeping into the Burlesque circuit. I like to play with fire whilst wearing a beautiful white vintage corset.................surely that's normal!! My favourite photographer Andy Sherlock and I are experimenting with some twisted vorderville fairytale antics aswell as remaining true to the old school vintage beauty shots..........I especially love to wear the old 2nd world war gas mask.......and breathe.Check out some more photography by Andy Sherlock
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My Interests

Acting (theatre), physical theatre, mask, burlesque performance and vintage modelling. Everyone looks fab in a corset!!!When i grow up i'd like to run away and join the circus..........and float aroung on a giant inflatable this...

I'd like to meet:

Visit Weymouth Arts Network


Hum it....i'll try to sing along... Wide and Varied, smooth and hairy. Dirty Jazz, Skiffle boogies, Rock 'n' Roll bopping. Led Zep, Kings of Leon, PJ Harvey, Tori Amos, Lou Rhodes, Pearl Jam, David Bowie, Sam Cooke, Nina Simone, the entire Bugsy Malone and Rocky Horror soundtracks, Currently loving Tom Waits.


Noir, Blanc, Bleu et gruesome chainsaw action! Favourite oldies are Some Like it Hot and The Wizard of OZ. Bugsy Malone, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Theatre of Blood, most Hammer Horror, Studio Gibli ( especially Howl's Moving Castle).


I have a new, less dusty one on the way




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My Blog

Where’s That To...?

I will be performing at the Where's That To...? Arts exhibition every saturday from 24th may - 28th june at Brewers Quay Weymouth. I am working with Laura Mulhern in a performance art piece involving ...
Posted by Kitt Kaboodle on Sat, 10 May 2008 10:04:00 PST