~*~ T ~*~ profile picture

~*~ T ~*~

I am here for Friends

About Me

a EvErYthIn sUrvEY
ur name:: ~*~Christine~*~
ur nicknames:: T or Tine
age:: 21
birthday:: December 16,1986
birthplace:: Chicago
current location:: Chicago
rite or left handed:: Right
sex:: Female
hair color:: Brown
long or short hair:: Medium---it use to be long
eye color:: Brown
weight:: ??
height:: 5'7
shoe size:: 9
ur heitage:: Italian & Mexican
live with both of ur parents:: Yes
wut are ur parents name:: Debbie & Angelo
any siblings:: 2 brothers
if so wuts the name n how old are they:: Ricky(20) & Angelo(16)
any pets:: Yes
if so wut r they:: Dog-Marley & Cat-Max
wut school u go to:: Wright College
school colors:: i dont know blue and white lol
fav. subject:: English
fav. teacher:: Dont have one
worst fav. teacher:: theres to many to name
do u want to go to collage:: Already am
if so wut collage:: Wright college hopefully transfering to northeastern
do you get good grades in school:: Yes for once
alot of friends in school:: Yes for the most part
dress up to go to school:: Lol sometimes
what kind of classes u in:: just my basics
whats your fav. related arts class:: none
this or that
pepsi or coke:: pepsi
sprite or 7-up:: sprite
rap or rock:: rock
computer or cell phones:: both-more cell phone
summer or winter:: spring and fall
looks or personality:: personality
tv or movies:: movies
love or money:: love
hugs or kisses:: hugs
car or trucks:: trucks
alchol or drugs:: alcohol
mcdonalds or burger king:: neither
choclate or vanilla:: chocolate
blk or white:: black
fruit or veggies:: both
cat or dog:: both
long sleeve or short sleeve:: short
jeans or skirts:: both
boys or gurls:: boys lol
have u ever/do you
smoke:: yes
drink:: yes
cuss:: yes
get mad easily:: sometimes
play an instrument:: no
like to sing:: sometimes
have a job:: yes
have a cell phone:: yes
play any sports:: use to
like school:: no
had sex:: yes
gone skinny dippin in the past month:: no
shoplift:: no
color:: green
artist/band:: john mayer
song:: say what you need to say
number:: 21
holiday:: christmas
season:: spring and fall
movie:: Bonx Tale, Boondock Saints, Lost Boys, 30 Days of Night
book:: A Child Called It
drink:: Water, Ice Tea, Orange Gatorade
alc. drink:: Rum and Cokes
tv show:: One Tree Hill
website:: Myspace i guess
flower:: Rose-but i hate the red ones
animal:: Tiger
food:: Anything Italian
candy:: Reeses
do you have a bf/gf or are you single:: Single
who do you go out with now:: just friends
who was ur last bf/gf:: Dont want to go there
do u have a crush:: kind of i dont know anymore
ever said i love u n didnt mean it:: yes
gotten kissed:: yes
made-out:: yes
cheated on someone:: no
been cheated on:: yes
which friend
best friend:: Patricia
ladie friend u knew the longest:: Patricia
guy friend u knew the longest:: hmmmm not sure
loudest:: i can be lol
prettiest/handsom:: all of them
funniest:: all of them
smartest:: ummm all of them in there own way
shyest:: me
craziest:: all of them
who was the last:
person who texted u:: Patricia
person u texted:: Patricia
who IMed u:: Havent been on there in a long time
u IMed:: same as above
u huged:: havent hugged anybody today
you touched:: marley
you yelled at:: probably ricky
who you saw:: people at work
that u laughed at:: a few people
u thought about:: dont want to go there
who u takled to on the fone:: patricia
word u said:: bye
clothes:: work clothes
shoes:: no shoes
mood:: sad
food/drink:: water
taste:: minty gum
smell:: love spell
what do u wanna be wen u grow up:: a teacher
where do you want to live:: somewere nice
do you live in the moment: sometimes
your best physical feature:: eyes
have any piercings/contacts/braces:: peircings 9 of them-nose,bellybutton ears 3 times and cartilage
the end
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My Grandpas



My Uncle John,My parents, My cousin Johnny,and My Grandmas

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ITS A GURL!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by ~*~ T ~*~ on Sun, 28 Aug 2005 01:35:00 PST