Caleb profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Here is the infamous video of me getting hit upside the head by Skullkrusher and getting knocked out...enjoy!
Well, my name's Caleb and I'm into a lot of stuff. One main thing is professional wrestling which I referee for, I work for various companies such as AAW, Shimmer, VWAA and Ring Of Honor among others. I love wrestling and a lot of the wrestlers and other people involved are good friends of mine, some I would even consider almost like family such as Bryce, my brotha from another motha! I'm currently hoping to go back to school to become an auditor (I know that's way off my previous major of film haha). I enjoy all kinds of music and going to concerts, but I'm mainly into metal, but that doesn't stop me from listening to quite a weird array of artists as you can see under my music section. I like to go out with my friends whenever I it hanging at their house, going to a movie, or doing whatever. As long as I can have fun I'm all about it and usually it's not tough for me to have fun, I'm pretty much able to make the best of any situation. And on another note I am anti-drugs, not for me...ya that's about all I can think of. Later folks.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

FIRST THINGS FIRST! I'm tired of the ridiculous amount of friend/band adds I'm getting as a result of myspace utilizing that whole "you might know" this person junk. I'm not into the popularity contest or want to have more friends than everyone else by any means. So from now on, if you are adding me you either better know me in person or send me a message why you're adding me or something. I will deny those who are just adding me for no real reason as this is just out of that I'm done with that you can return to my regularly scheduled profile reading. Thank you.Anyone who is cool...especially those interested in pro wrestling, film, music (I like a lot of stuff, just ask), um...your momma, pretty much just good people who are fun to talk to and like to have a great time. I get along with just about everyone so odds are I'd probably get along with YOU!

Ok, so here's the deal for those of you still confused or wondering. I have this best friend...her name is Erin (or Eryn to the wrestling folks)...we are just that: BEST FRIENDS. We are not dating, going out, boyfriend/girlfriend, friends with benefits, none of that. So all assumptions and suspicions or misconceptions can be put to rest...we are it? Good. Yay for everyone, now have some fuckin' ice cream and smile.

My Blog a nutshell :-)

This is random...but I feel like I need to just spout some stuff off. I'm really incredibly happy right now with things. I just made a lot of decisions and did a lot of thinking recently and I think I...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 11:05:00 GMT

Relay For Life on 6/21

I'm participating in the Relay For Life on June 21st for the American Cancer Society with my sister. I'm sure most of you know or have known at least one person that was affected by Cancer in their li...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 13:29:00 GMT

This tagging business is forcing me to actually blog on here...

Tag, cause it was one of my favorite games! (Not really, Balderdash anyone?)Okay, here are the rules, once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 6 weird things/habits about yourself. Then y...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 19:32:00 GMT