MyGenProfile GeneratorMusic. Anything to do with music - from the extreme leftfield right into the mainstream. I'm interested in sensation! Sound and primary colours, going out, high volume, travelling, flying, guitars, records, singing, writing, clothes, shoes, the opposite sex, driving, robots, animation, film, attempting to learn to cook, languages
I'd like to meet:
I'd like to meet:
In terms of heroes and heroines, I've met a few of mine. Not sure there are any celebrities I'd like to meet... I'd like to meet Tyler Durden.
Not naming names as there are too many. I run an airport themed night called Flight 51 here in Bristol that involves bands with guitars in the back room (The Cargo Hold) and DJs in the front (The Departure Lounge). The bands play the guitar oriented stuff that I like so much and the DJs play anything electronic that you can dance to - which I also adore... Electro, techno, booty bass, dubstep amongst all sorts. I like to say I'm into Rock n' Roll. Rock n' Roll is every great Motown record, the best jungle and drum and bass records - it doesn't matter what it is as long as it's good. The music that floats my boat and crashes my plane is the good stuff. If you're objective about it you'll know what that is.
Fight Club, The Matrix, anything disastrous involving airplanes, Ghost In The Shell, This Is Spinal Tap, Blow, Johnny Depp never seems to make a bad movie, Tim Burton's usually good, Dig!, The Doors, Sid and Nancy, The Fifth Element, American Psycho, Star Wars etc., the comedies that Ben Stiller and all that lot do - Anchorman, Dodgeball, Starsky and Hutch, favourite kind of nonsense. Airplane!
24 - great fun - all 5 seasons. Also, good comedy of any kind. Family Guy. Nathan Barley, BrassEye. TVs are good for shooting or throwing out of windows. Look before the latter and try to avoid the former.
Chuck Palahniuk, Ian Banks, Iain M. Banks, Cocaine Nights - J.G Ballard, Powder - Kevin Sampson, Once In A Lifetime - Jane Bussman. Music biography - Some of the great ones are The Stones - Phillip Norman, The Dirt - Neil Strauss with Motley Crue, Black Vinyl White Powder - Simon Napier Bell, The Creation Records Story - David Cavanagh, Everything:A Book About The Manic Street Preachers - Simon Price, Please Kill Me - Legs McNeil & Gillian McCain, No One Here Gets Out Alive - Jerry Hopkins and Danny Sugerman, The Scream:The Music, Myths and Misbehaviour of Primal Scream - Kris Needs ...
My folks and my sister - bulletproof!