Like minded individuals. I'll write more in time. In the meantime visit:www.HiveWorld.orgTake the plunge!
The music of the celestial spheres and galaxies in rotation creates such magical that can not be heard by the ear But I am very moved by sounds that can be produced in this atmosphere. Play me a tune and I will sing you the Song of My Days!
Reality TV (as in reality, minus the TV) Dr. Who, BSG, Documentaries, Shows on DVD (I don't watch TV)
Stranger in a Strange Land - (Do you Grok?) Herman Hesse - Siddhartha, Narcissus & Goldmund, Damien, Beneath the Wheel, Steppenwolf... The Little Prince, The Giving Tree, The Shamanic Way of the Bee
I never liked to admit I had heroes, never felt I could place anyone in that category without them letting me down. Then I realized the heroes are all around.A hero is someone who stands up for what they believe, and lives a life balancing enjoyment with integrity, doesn't sacrifice fun for career or career for fun, but manages to skillfully live and grow with both. They live out the lives they were meant to be, experiencing it in spite of the obstacles. Their beliefs may rock the system, but as long as it doesn't harm another being or negate the opportunity of another to live their life they are living fully.Some of my personal living heroes that I know are: Rachel Rosenthal, I Grok Gronk, Sting, The Founders of Invisible Theatre, Charles Busch, David Zippel, Ken Roht, Bill Viola, and many more which have passed on through history as creative and spiritual beings who followed their path.