hmmm think i covered this before...
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I listen to everything... Incubus, Led Zep, Teisto, BT, postal service, Coldplay, outkast, Redmountain whitetrash(blue grass), soul coughing(older stuff), weezer, whitestripes, superjoint ritual, pantera, edward sissorhands soundtrack, lauren hill, eryka badhu..... just to name a few. I love music... juuuust a little haha.
Edward Sissorhands, Blow, Pirates of Carribean, Nightmarebefore christmas, big labowski, snatch. lock stock, boondock saints.Wag the dog, Sleepy hollow, Big fish, any thing Tim Burton and JOhnny Depp... I love movies.. too many to type
Dont really watch it... but if I do it's educational. his. dis. channel.. animal planet ofcoarse.
sid haratha, stephenwolf, Mists of avalon, many lives many masters, Eragon & Eldest (fun reads). 1984. Dominion
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