Kitty profile picture


Le mew..... Le Purrrrrrr

About Me

I'm currently living in Auburn pursuing a career in Design. I deceded to keep pets as my hobby and be crafty for a living. I like music and making stuff. I'm famous for making crazy halloween costumes and fixing things in crafty ways. Recently repaired my car for the first time. Now I can do my own tune ups!! I also like to be silly. I play piano, flute, guitar, and the tin whistle but I dont really excell at any one. I'll always be a Jack of all trades and an ace of none. I have 3 pets as of now. My cat Poprocks or "meow meow" as i call her and my horse Penny(she is featured as my background in a drawing I did a few years ago now) weee. Sydney my bearded dragon passed away. When we figured up how old he was we decided that he was the oldest living bearded dragon in the WORLD!!! He will be missed. And now my new addition (drum roll) Blue Heeler puppy Pi (sounds like Pie) Myspace Layouts
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My Interests

hmmm think i covered this before...

I'd like to meet:

other nice, funny, and smart people clydesdale snowball fight
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I listen to everything... Incubus, Led Zep, Teisto, BT, postal service, Coldplay, outkast, Redmountain whitetrash(blue grass), soul coughing(older stuff), weezer, whitestripes, superjoint ritual, pantera, edward sissorhands soundtrack, lauren hill, eryka badhu..... just to name a few. I love music... juuuust a little haha.


Edward Sissorhands, Blow, Pirates of Carribean, Nightmarebefore christmas, big labowski, snatch. lock stock, boondock saints.Wag the dog, Sleepy hollow, Big fish, any thing Tim Burton and JOhnny Depp... I love movies.. too many to type


Dont really watch it... but if I do it's educational. his. dis. channel.. animal planet ofcoarse.


sid haratha, stephenwolf, Mists of avalon, many lives many masters, Eragon & Eldest (fun reads). 1984. Dominion


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My Blog


Well i'm proud of myself.   I have been a good girl.  Granted i did not start right after my blog.. but for the past month I have worked out at least 3x a week and not eaten out as much. &nb...
Posted by Kitty on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 10:16:00 PST

Who needs to wait until New Years

Ok ok ok... I've been slacking. I've been using my busyness and stress as an excuse to not take care of myself. And it's building like a snowball rolling down a hill. The no exercise and bad eating...
Posted by Kitty on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 10:12:00 PST

Moto My Ass

Ok so we all need our cell phones right?  Well tonight mine went down in not so much a blaze of glory.  I've only had this phone for like a year.  About the average life span of any mot...
Posted by Kitty on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 08:16:00 PST

Tag Your It

I was tagged so here goes.  if you were tagged by me you must make a blog and tell is your 6 weird habbits or traits..  then list the six people you are tagging..   silly aint it.&...
Posted by Kitty on Fri, 12 May 2006 11:59:00 PST

Collar bone Update!!

So all is well in the land of Paige.   My collarbone is healing nicely. Doen't really hurt anymore and I'm back to doing Paigey stuff  like riding horses (though my doc would have a str...
Posted by Kitty on Tue, 14 Mar 2006 05:39:00 PST

The stuff dreams are made of...AKA current addiction

    I wrk right aroung to corner from Chick fil A.   Well they have this worderful substance called  IceDream!  Well i'm not really a fan on Ice cream, but this...
Posted by Kitty on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 12:53:00 PST

A new day

So how are you guys doin?   Well all is well in the world of  Paige today.  MY work opened a new store vs. the booth we used to have last week.  Lots of painting and clea...
Posted by Kitty on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 03:56:00 PST

Adventures of bone crushing proportions

Well the long and the short of it is... I broke my collarbone.   I'm not goint into how!  So i have to wear this sling for 6 weeks.  Now I've broken bones before but that was ...
Posted by Kitty on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 04:29:00 PST

excitement in the mall last night

last night was just another night in the mall.  When all of a sudden we hear this crazy loud screaming coming from Chic fil a around the corner.  There was this crazy fight between 2 girls a...
Posted by Kitty on Wed, 11 Jan 2006 02:01:00 PST

I have a feeling...

I have a feeling that this is gonna be a new pastime for me.   All this spare time I have!   I've been meaning to join the library here in Auburn but i havn't gotten around to it y...
Posted by Kitty on Mon, 09 Jan 2006 02:26:00 PST