video games, internet, music (music is my life, life is my music),poetry, band, Wind Ensemble, Martching Band, Pep Band, guitar, web development, photograpy, art, peotry, writing, tv, movies, anime/manga, heavy metal, loud music, poetry, driving, flying, singing in the shower, poetry. You know, normal stuff... I think... _ What's normal though? ..
Hmm, tough subject. I guess If I could meet anyone It would be this man right here:
John is my idle.
And if not John, Mike would do ^_^
Yay, all cheer, the annoying video is gone!
Let's see, kinda hard to describe my musical liking. I'm really into a lot of stuff, despite what some people seem to think. I guess when you tell someone that you listen to a lot of classic rock that that means that the catagory can not be broken down into different catagories, but what ever! I'm a big fan of metal. Now, this can be deciving. Most of the time when we hear "metal", we all think of death metal with guys screaming until their vocals are no longer in tact an actually reside out side of their chests. Not the case with me. I'm big into prog (progressive) metal and orchestral/symphonic metal. Think what you want, but it is completly amazing. Outside the world of metal, I do enjoy classic rock (at least that's what I listen to on the radio, seeing as there is no station with the kind of music I listen to on it). I also like listening to some classical music. Some of it's alright, but others tend to put me off to sleep. Lets see, what else. I'm ok with a lot of stuff for the most part, that unless it's mainstreem, punk, or rap. If it's any of those 3, I just can't take it. Here's a list of what I listen to:
Dream Theater
Night Wish
Symphony X
Iron Maiden
System of a Down
Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath
I'm stopping there, there's more I listen to, but those are my fav's for the most part.
Depends on what the movies are. I like some, a lot I dont care for one bit.
To be honest, I really don't watch as much TV as people think I do. Recently, I've been spending very little time sitting in front watching the pointless programs run across the screen. I can't stand reality television, it bores the hell out of me, not to mention the fact that each program is remotely the same to the next. TV that I do watch, on a regular basis is Family Guy, American Dad, House, and Over There. That's about it, nothing really outside of that gets me to sit myself down and vedge.
Let's see, to be honest, I don't read. I don't read period. I should read, I realize that. I understand that reading is soposed to increase the vocabulary in a person but quite honestly, I'm not too sure when I'm going to have to use a big word to order a tacco from a person that strugels wtih english as it is. Just to be honest.
I haven't read a book that isn't a manga for fun in over 4 years (outside of The World According to Garp, wich never got finished).
John Prettuci = God
honestly, he is...