AIM - poopingiscute
life -
poooptography -,psychedel
ics,chubs,instant film, the sun, movie vision,5th period, bumclub,tae-bo!,cookies,ten,damn good company,#3 on the new mm cd,infinite fridays,bellidge ridge,comfortable silence,late night conversations actually late night EVERYTHING,inside jokes,photoshoots,candy, giggle waters, the 10 golden rules of lomography, ami sushi, macro,exchanging smiles with strangers,Twin
a grown man , bad a$$es, fortunes always hiding, guacalmole in my mouth, funny dancers, models, models, good lookin moodels, anyone that'll feed me, sushi lovers, psychos, all my friends in the same place, arthur enders, freaks, and weirdos like me.
only, some though! nah f that all ya'll are works of art to me :) :) NO NO NO only the FOOD