Rob profile picture


Fuck normal

About Me

I'm that one guy, a bit geeky around the edges. Also a tad quiet but don't think that I don't talk, I just only say something when I have something to say. I don't feel the need to fill the void with useless babble.
I have a website at that I haven't updated in a loooooooong time.

My Interests

Photography, writing, hiking, biking, swimming, etc etc etc etc etc

I'd like to meet:

Always up for meeting someone for any situation.


Oingo Boingo, Weezer, Beatles, The Vandals, Danny Elfman, Depeche Mode, 80s stuff


Young Frankenstein, Coen Bros. flics, any comedy or horror movie, the more "bad" a horror flic, the better


Don't watch much TV, really--it's that noise in the background. DVD's man, it's all about the DVD's. And Tivo--all about tivo.


The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy, Lord of the Rings, Stephen King books, anything that seems interesting at the time.


Heroes are dead

My Blog

Sex Marriage Taxes and Death

This kind of pisses me off.  Well not kind of--it does.I've heard a lot on the subject of same-sex marriage over the last year and those of you that truly know me already should know what I think...
Posted by Rob on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 10:13:00 PST

religion can be evil

So&.I was recently reading Douglas Adams last released book The Salmon of Doubt, and therein was a passage about his radical atheism and his discussions or lack thereof with other people of faith....
Posted by Rob on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST