Uhm, I'm a couch potatoe, so... Television (the greatest outlet for art in the modern times), movies, music (the kind that challenges you, not the kind that keeps your chin up and prevents you from falling asleep). Lots of other things.
Oh, I could go on and on about my tastes in music. My favorite perversion these days is to challenge myself to find GOOD contemporary music. It's a hard job.
Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Strangers with Candy, Topless Academy Guide to Bartending (eh?), lots of others.
In no particular order: Arrested Development, The Shield, Family Guy, Trailer Park Boys, The Office (both), Extras, Curb your Enthusiasm, etc.
The beat writers; Kerouac and Burroughs in particular. Allen Ginsberg is overrated, though,
I don't believe in heroes. The idea of having a hero is bound to the idealising of people. How perfectly intellectual.