Queen Lhouraii profile picture

Queen Lhouraii

I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey everyone,
One thing you should know about me is that I am actually a nice person, even if it seems different from what my profile says..
But to those who send me hate mail, think again. I will just laugh at your attempts to annoy me and then pity you for not having an ounce of importance in this world. You get your 'thrills' by calling me stupid. I may be ditzy but I know for a fact that I am not stupid. My IQ is higher than your bank balance, which is probably so low you trip over it, due to you being a nobody.
I judge people on first impressions. So make a good one. I take things personal, so if you say something like, "I couldn't wear a coat like that, I would have to iron it" I will dislike you. Even if you meant it as a compliment, I will take it as an insult.
I rarely forgive people and if you ever get an apolagy from me, you are extremely lucky, you will probably sell it on ebay as a rare posession and get millions for it. For those who say to me, life is too short to hold grudges, my reply is, life is too short to get walked all over.
NEVER try to change who I am. It won't work, trust me on that. Don't tell me I would look better as a brunette, or I would be a better person if I were more normal. I like being a crazy blonde!! If you ever try to change me in any way, you will never be considered a friend by me.
You ever wonder why girls gt called bitches?? Female dogs (Bitches) bark at each other just because they are the same gender. Strange?? It is animal instinct. For example;
An average looking girl is sat on a wall with some friends. A beautiful girl walks past. The girl on the wall turns to her friends and says "Look at her!! Who does she think she is??!!" She then turns to the girl and shouts "SLUT!!".........But what did the beautiful girl do wrong?? The answer is nothing at all.
People have managed to create language, invent electricity and even travel to the moon, you would think we would be able to treat each other with respect. What happend to girls sticking together??
With that in mind, if any girls send me hate mail, I will take it as a sign of jealousy:-)
I am high maintenance. It is probably the reason behind me being single. I have not yet met anyone who can live up to my expectations, and I doubt I ever will. Personality is WAY more important than looks, but looks are still very important. I am not shallow, I just have a high level of self respect. There was a point in my life when I had ZERO self respect, but not anymore. Get used to it.
Please don't send me messages telling me I am 'Hot'. Those messages meen nothing to me, I get so many of them. I am not trying to say that I am incredibly attractive, because I am not, I am just saying that there is a huge amount of guys on MySpace that are after one thing and message vulnerable girls to get 'it'. I am not a vulnerable girl and you won't get 'it' from me so don't bother trying.
It is common knowlege that I love animals. Everyone within a 1000 mile radius knows I do. I have many animal companions or, as some people call them, 'pets'. My little sister Brodie is the most important thing in the world to me, so what is she isn't blood related, or even the same species as me, she is still the closest family member and the best friend I have.
Some people are scared of never being loved by anyone. I do not have this problem because I am proud to say that I love myself!! Someone has to love you, so why not you?? You will always be around, you will never abandon yourself.....it makes sense. Perfect sense.
I am cursed with seeing beauty in everything. Seriously, bring me the 'ugliest' person on the planet and I bet I could tell them 10 ways in which they are beautiful. I once sat down with a cup of hot green tea and burnt my mouth when I took a sip, I decided to let it cool and looked down into the cup, I noticed light was shimmering in the water and thought it looked pretty. I looked back up and took a sip, expecting it to burn my mouth again......It was stone cold!! I must have been staring at that reflecting light for about 30 minutes!! So now you understand why I said, "I am CURSED with seeing beauty in everything".
I can make anyone happy, it is a gift!! I am apparantly contagiously happy all the time, which is pretty much true. I would like to help the less fortunate with my 'gift' and make them smile:-)
"The second act of the night was the beautiful young Lhourii Li who stunned the audience with her own superb dance routines, You could have heard a pin drop as she went through her different routines and earned a wonderful ovation for her performance. Watch this space as we predict she will go far." - Layton Talent Show
"Dancer Lhouraii Li, 19, and her five-faced mask faced a panel of judges last Saturday – and was put through to the regional finals............Lhouraii's striking headgearwas inspired by a late-night bout of insomnia." - Dewsbury Reporter
Queen Lhouraii invites you to SocialVibe.com     
In reply to alot of messages:
DO YOU DO YOUR OWN MAKEUP?? Yes, it isn't exactly hard is it??
ARE YOU A MODEL?? No, but thanks for thinking I was!!
WHO ARE YOU?? Read the profile, I act, I make noise, I dance, I create a roll model for your children..
WHY DID YOU ADD ME?? I don't know, you tell me..
..::Dolce & Gabbana::..


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Michael Jackson.........

........Milla Jovovich, Mozart, Jet Li, Bjork, Gwen Stefani, Vincent Cassel, You??....haha..

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My Blog

NEWS FLASH!!.........

It is raining so obviously I had to go outside and eat some srawberries in the rain.... I bought a 2 1/2 ft penguin made from wooden sticks weaved together yesterday from.......erm.......som...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Jul 2006 12:58:00 GMT