Retro pin-up, vintage fashion, corsets, garters, hot rods, photography, reptiles, high heels, gangsters, coffee, tattoos, piercings, etc. test
Fetish/Pin-up models, Photographers, Artists, Burlesque performers, People involved in suspension, People with awesome hot rods I can shoot with, and people with something to say... I've got a major weakness for neck tattoos, septum piercings, and little beer guts. ***TO ANY BANDS*** Please do not attempt to add me, if you really think i'd be interested in your music send me a message with your link and i'll decide for myself. ...Die Hard Bitches...
Anything with or done by: Louise Brooks, James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield, Betty Grable, Quentin Terantino, Robert Rodriguez, Oliver Stone, Martin Scorsese, Kevin Smith, Robert Deniro, Al Pacino, Vince Vaughn, Johnny Depp, Marlon Brando, and so on.....
I get 3 channels and rarely have time to watch any of them...but I do turn on the news when I'm getting ready in the morning sometimes
Brett Easton Ellis, Irvine Welsch, Mario Puzo, Chuck Palahniuk, and William Burroughs are some of my all time favorite authors.
Louise Brooks: Bonnie: Bettie Page: Durka (AKA: Shamus) Miss Tuesday Jean