Fun couple with bisexual female looking for other females or couples to play style="background:#EBF3FB;font:10pt verdana; border-bottom:1px solid #FFFFFF;" Name: S&F
Birthdate: a while ago
Birthplace: Philadelphia
Current Location: Philadelphia
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: proportionate
Piercings: no
Tattoos: no
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yes
Food: Italian
Candy: Chocolate
Number: 3
Color: Red
Animal: Cheetah
Drink: Ice tea
Letter: C
Body part on opposite sex: Vagina
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
McDonalds or Burger King: BK but Mikki D's fries
Strawberry or Watermelon: melons
Hot tea or Cold tea: cold
Dog or Cat: dog
Kiss or Hug: hug
Rock or Rap: rock
Summer or Winter: summer
Love or Money: Love
Horror movie or Funny movie: Funny
Bedtime: 10
Most missed memory: sports
Best physical feature: arms
First thought when waking up:
Goal for the year: certifications
Best friends:
Weakness: sex
Fears: cancer
Heritage: dego
Longest relationship: 10 years
HAVE YOU........
Ever drank: yes
Ever Smoked: no
Ever been drunk: yes
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: yes
Ever shoplifted: no
Ever skinny dipped: yes
Ever had sex in public: yes
Favorite eye color: blue
Favorite hair color: blond
Short or long: long
Height: 5'4"
Style: sexy
Looks or personality: looks short term, pers long term
Number of regrets in the past: 2
What country do you want to visit: Brasil
How do you want to die: very very quickly
Do you like thunderstorms: yes
Do you think your attractive: a little
Get along with your parents: yes
Ever been with your friends boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
Wanna get married: no
Have children: yes
Ever had a threesome: yes
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