Divers.... People who love, or love to hate the job..... The men and women that make a difference every day. We're looking to make this a place where people can meet, find diving buddies, and a have a few laughs! Share your ideas with us... we'd love to hear from you.
Burned out EMT
Did you know that our very own members are kicking serious bootie out there on various competitions around the U.S, including the Jems games???? Many of us didn't... but it's time to spread the word!!!! Our boys have picked up many awards and are going to Australia... yes, Australia to compete in a few months. Way to go Boys!!!!
A few pics of our rescue medics in training.... Thanks Linda, and all others who have shared their pics!
*Dutch springs Layout*
Everyday heroes... those who are not appreciated until the sh*t hits the fan!!!!!