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The name's Lindsay
Starting to feel a little old for this, but...
I'm in first year PEKN at Brock
My whole life pretty much revolves around hockey
I've been told I'm complicated, but I just wanna laugh& love, and I think that's pretty simple
I procrastinate like nothing else
I'm always wishing I could be anywhere but here
And I'm scared of everything, but I'm particularly terrified of growing up
hockey =)
Christmas music on the radio♥
winter, snow& snowboarding
boyss, preferably nice ones
Arrested Development
my oold American Eagle clothes
dressing for comfort
cereal..for dinner
KD or pizza 4am
text messaging every minute of my life
Canadian Club
English Breakfast tea
random and spontaneouss outings
the spring
stupid JERKS
mondays and mundane days
pulp in my orange juice
humourless people..
talking about the future
that there's no one in my life right now that can make me smile on the inside