Guitar, art, history, sports, good facts, useless information that i'll never use, encyclopedias......yeah anything really.
People who share similarities with me and people who are just totally different than me!
Wow how bad is it that i own like 10 CD's with half of them being from the early 90's! I just have a hard time spending money on something that i can listen to for free on the raido. I do like Jack Johnson though....oh, and the Killers. I am one of those "i like all kinds of music" people...yes, even country and rap. I pretty much like anything that i can sing to, so yeah!
National Treasure is my new favorite movie but i love the classics. Dumb and Dumber, Tommy Boy, Princess Bride, The Emporers New Groove, All the sappy movies, and of course Star Wars....esp. the old ones!
"FRIENDS", "ER", "CSI",.....basically abc's thursday night two years ago. I'm not much a fan of late night television, but besides that i like most of it.
Yeah, i'm probably the wost reader you will ever talk to. I am no good at it so i don't do it unless i have to. I drive the English/Lit. major's CRAZY!
Jesus Christ did more for me than i could ever ask for and he is my real hero that i stive every day to be more and more like.