BruNettE wiTh a bLonDE hEarT♥ profile picture

BruNettE wiTh a bLonDE hEarT♥

Exert your talents, and distinguish yourself, and don't think of retiring from the world, until the

About Me

Sooooo....Im Jacqueline and I grew up in santa cruz CA, moved to a hell hole of a little town in NV, and generally stay as close to water as possible. I love the ocean, I want to move to San Diego(but I probably wont. I love my family to much to be that far from them), and the beach is my home. Im a cosmetologist and I also go-go dance at club VEX. I have tattoos and peircings and I heart them very much ! :) I love trying new things, and have recently tried rock climbing and skateboarding. But let me tell you, Im kickn ass on the wakeboard! Anyone down to try white water rafting or bungee jump'n....thats next on my list. Im deathly afraid of hights and airplanes. Mainly crashing from high places in airplanes. My first time on a plane was pretty recent and very brief, can you say sky dive? So yah, the girl formally scared of hights and planes, was neither scared nor nervous, and bailed out the damn plane,lol.Im doing it again.Only this time instead of 9,000ft, lets try 13,000. That means instead of thirty seconds of free fall, there will be a minute and a half, how do you like that s**t? LOL. The next time Im on an airplane and not jump'n, you better believe it will be on its way to Fiji. Im also planning on traveling to New Zealand, Iceland, Germany, Costa Rica, Alaska, and Hawaii of course! Can you say, Im ready to travel, bout time....Im just now learning its fun to do crazy things. I use to be big on horseback riding, but now, I generaly keep to automobiles, I cant wait to have a horse again though. I think dogs are one of the best things ever, their right up there with roller skates, wich are way fun. I think sleeping naked is the only way to go, underwair is over rated, and I hate girls because they f*** your boyfriends. I dont trust many people, I found that 99 percent will lie if given the chance. I think most people, and when I say people I mean men, are over rated. Ive found that most, if not all have, will, would if given the means and opportunity to, would cheat. They have in the past, present, or possibly near future. I am extremely honest,Ive been in Love and had my heart broken,(both by a lil BIRD-ie ♥ ), I take to much crap, I am way sincere, I cant spell worth a damn,I would do pretty much anything for you, if you show me you care. And,I hate life because I get screwed over a lot. But I try. Hey, dont forget, Ligers are like the coolest animals ever!
adopt your own virtual pet!COOL FACT ABOUT ME I had open heart surgery at the age of 4, and have a patch on my heart. Now ain't that some shit!MY THOUGHTS ON LOVE Love is an on going battle. You love to much you get hurt, you love to little it hurts less, you love to often your a whore, and you love one person with all your sound as lost as me. fashion layout @ HOT

My Interests

Im a party girl(when I want to be), and I love to dress sexy and go dance it [email protected] love going to parties"raves," but dont get it confused, Im not a druged up or shot out raver girl by any means. But hey, I luv my friends who are(to each their own). Nah, but for-reals, I like just kickn it most the time, It doesnt take much to impress me, but just because you dont do much, doesnt mean Ill like you. Lol.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI love horses and use to compete in hunter jumper competitions, but not anymore :(. I love gett'n my wakeboard on, and sky divi'n is one of my new favorite things. I love dirt bikes(one day I'll kick some ass on them,lol) and I love rock climbing(but that doesnt mean Im good at it yet,lol) I like skatebaording and snowboarding, however, I dont do either very well, not well at all. But you cant blame a girl for tryn, and Ive only tried a couple times. ok,good.**I THINK PARTIES ARE FOR THE DJS, AND THE DJS ARE FOR THE PEOPLE, WHO JUST SIMPLY LOVE "GOOD" MUSIC. IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.**

I'd like to meet:

Who would I like to meet????....More honest people. I only have time and room in my life for people who are honest, trustworthy, and outgoing, caring people. My heart and spirit only have room for genuine people these days. I just cant hold the weight of other peoples acheles heels anymore. Please, if you do not hold good intentions in your heart, please kindly move on to the next profile for viewing. Sometimes the heart can only take so much pain, so much breaking, that it only has room for good, good people and situations. Much luv, hope your an honest person, because Id love to get to know you.


LiNdSEy Bz!


HotTiE FirEmaN SeAn

i heArT My CaRoL


CraZy SeXiE CoOL VeRonIca!!!!

TeEteR FaCE!

LoVely ChRisTiNA

BLiNg bLiNg BiOTcH


SexiE ShAwNa

SeXiE LiL LexiE!

MoOgiE LiPs


JoE joE

CuTtiE ChRiSty

HoLLy LuV!!!!

I heart GenNy gEnNY!



mOrE pEOpLe i hEaRT....
View/Edit All Comments....what you got 2 say?


Books I ♥ To Kill a Mocking Bird, A million Little Pieces, A Child Called IT, The Lion the Witch and the Wardwrobe. Ive read a lot of books dealing with World War 2 and the Holocaust. I enjoy reading books about other cultures and different countries. I prefer true stories of inspiration and meaning, but its not a necessary element. Another good book is The Four Agreements. I suggest you pick it up sometime. I enjoyed it a lot. And the Bible of course, in all honesty I dont read it everyday, but its something I think about and pick up often. If you want a great book, thats the main one I have to suggest.


My heros are:GOD, my family. People who follow their heart and take a chance. People who know theres a possibility it may not work out for them,that they may not succeed. that they may get hurt in the process, but press on and go for it anyways(go big or die try'n).People who are honest, giving, loving, and couragous in their own way. People who help me to better myself, and help me to see my potential in all that surrounds me. Anyone who can inspire me, to be inspiring aswell.

My go-go girlies!!!!

sExiE LiL' eRiCA

LoVEly ®oShAn

CarA RawKs iT!

FuNKy HoUsE frEaK

HOtTiE JeNni

tHe HoTtNesS tHaT is DuSty



GorgEouS GirLiE!

ThiS bAd AzZ Bz!


Ms. NikKi

So CaL is So SeXiE




My Blog


October 19, 2006 - Thursday PLEASE READ BEFORE YOU ASK TO BE MY FRIEND! THANKS Current mood: ummmm yah! Category: ummmm yah! Friends Im not going to add everyone.In factI just erasse over 200 ...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 10:59:00 PST

I <3 this....

People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self centered'Forgive them anyway.If you are kind, People may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives'Be kind anyway. If you are successful, You will win ...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Thu, 26 Oct 2006 07:51:00 PST

Its fkn' MYSPACE!!!! Get over it!!!! lol....

there is NO SUCH THING as a myspace does NOT exist. so quit posting stupid bulletins like"OH-EM-GEEEEE this WORKS!!!"no, it doesnt.TWOTo the people who have like 25,000 friends,are you seri...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 07:52:00 PST

emmmm....I like this :) it makes me smile

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want t...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 05:21:00 PST

I love this song....

I like this song....I like it lots :) ANGELS AND AIRWAVES LYRICS"Do It For Me Now"I'm frightened at night and the wind has a roarIt seeps through the hall and from under the doorLike the shit that was...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:50:00 PST

To much information....

....about me! BORDUM! ==Appearance== I am shorter than 5'4":Im exactly 5'4" haha! I have many scars:nope, just one big ass one that makes it count! I tan easily:mostly Burn easily:at times I wish my n...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 11:47:00 PST

Silly me!

106 Questions Some People Wouldn't Think To Ask!001. When's the last time you ran?Ugh....Not sure.002. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?:A few of them do....and I payed a lot to buy t...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:01:00 PST

I heart this.... read it :)

A well-known speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20.00 bill. In the room of two hundred people, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said "I am going to gi...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 07:28:00 PST


Yesterday....was AMAZING! I got to pick my most favorite person up from the airport. Seeing him agian after such a long month made me so happy and calm.Such a simple thing&nbs...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 10:27:00 PST

Tust me on this one....

God loves me and I trust in his decisions....let him have his way, it makes things less complicated....and your bound to be happier.  Just a thought. ...
Posted by JacQuELinE ♥ on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 11:18:00 PST