I can't live without music! Pop-in some good tunes and dance the night away...I like to watch movies with friends, hang out and relax. Boys...pay attention: I love to cuddle! it's gotta be the best thing ever. Nothing cheers me up like some good ol' fashioned lovin'. I love a good party now and then but I'm not a crazy party fanatic or anything. Dirty Bong Water!!! the best shooter ever, right Kelly? :)param name="AllowScriptAccess"
There are so many people I would like to meet I wouldn't even know where to start...let's categorize. Female Celeb: Jessica Simpson...let's see just how great she really is :). Male Celeb: Mathew McConaughey...mmmmm yummy. Male politician: George Bush, Jr...I know, I know. Female politician: Hilary Clinton...she's tough. The list will just go on and on so I'll stop here.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
MOVIES!!! I must admit I have Dirty Dancing on DVD and VHS! I love all good movies; romance, horror, sci-fi, mystery, commedy, just about anything. The Wedding Crashers and Old School are timeless. Forrest Gump is an oldie but goodie. Legends of the Fall is another favorite. My Best Friend's Wedding is the perfect blend of romance and comedy. I like The Wedding Planner, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, and Sweet Home Alabama...hey! I can't help it. I'm a gilr! :)
The usual suspects: The Family Guy, Law and Order SVU, House, Greys Anatomy, and General Hospital when I get the chance :)
I love to read! These days I probably ready more magazines than anything else but I really enjoy and good book. Especially right before bed!
I luuuuvvvv my momma! I think she is my favorite hero of them all