Hi All! My name is Rachie and I live in South East Queensland, Australia. I am owned by a (crazy) cat named Taz who has been my faithful companion for about 10 years. I love him to pieces (and he knows it).
I have the weirdest and most bizarre off the wall sense or humour. Sarcasm is my friend. No, really, we're having coffee later. Coffee, is also my friend, we're getting together later over a little sarcasm.
I seriously doubt my own sanity more than once a day. You'll quite often find me humming to myself, or whistling, and dancing to the beautiful music in my head. It's what I do. ;o) If I'm not smiling, run and hide! It hasn’t happened yet, except that one time…No, I'm not on drugs, just happy/chipper/hyperactive most all the time.
I work as a Home Carer for people living with a disability and as a Kitchen Assistant (my title is Operational Services Officer, don't I sound important!) As a Home Carer I do all that basic stuff that needs to be done. Dishes, washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking, all that sort of stuff. It is FANTASTIC work and I really enjoy it. It's one of those rewards greater than money kicks. ;o) Basically I LOVE PEOPLE! As an OSO I work at my local General Hospital in the kitchen. Delivering meals, washing dishes, well that about sums it up really. It's excellent work as well, if you don't mind a bit of walking.
Previously I've worked with kids (for about eight months) and LOVED it! I'm looking to do my Child Care Certificate when I've saved up a little bit of money, maybe, I really don't know. Am I supposed to know yet?
I also worked at McDonalds on the front counter for a few months, I loved that too, it's lots of fun. I met new and interesting people every day.
I've also recently finished an Administration Traineeship with the Queensland Police Service. Not so much fun but I learnt a lot and now I have a Diploma in Business Administration. Imagine that!
Rachie says: "My Faulty Logic undermines your entire philosophy." and sometimes "Note my existence and move on!"