Everything you need to know about Illegal Immigration you can learn from Dr. Seus's "The Sneetches"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btx2eiQ2gKs
Interesting people to shoot the shit with. Maybe waste some time with them. Drink a little have a little fun, nothing serious.
Anything can be interesting if you are introduced to it by people with a real passion for it.I listen to pirate 96.9 not because of the music but because of what a pirate radio station means to society. As for personal tastes, hell I'll listen to anything for 10 minutes.
I mostly graze. I have trouble watching any one show for more than 15 minutes. I record everything on my dvr and watch it later. as for specific shows, I like most of the Adult swim lineup on the cartoon channel, the daily show on comedy central, random shit on the historychannel discovery and pbs.
anything non-fiction. especially science, math and politics. I know its dull shit to most people but I can't help it.
anyone with kids, people who stand up for things they believe in, and that guy that stood infront of the column of tanks in China during the Tienamen square riots. Larry Flynt.