NOT Myspace Tom profile picture

NOT Myspace Tom

Tom Lawrie

About Me

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Bah bah bah, bah barbara ann
Stop mocking me!
Ant and Tant Tanton
"Oh". I was just like "Oh"
Jamie's Mum fancies me. No Joke.
The B Capellas
The MmHmms
Nearly getting busted by police at Create. For What??
Tour De France. See?
Sleeping in Jamie's Bed. With All My Clothes On. Just in case.
Iranian boys.
Iranian men.
Iranian women
Two tins of tennants is like five glasses of wine
Jamie's Shower.
Lally's Playroom
Let me rob the shell for a pack of kingskins.
Meeting Enter Shikari.
Getting Rob from Enter Shikari's sweaty towel from the end of an Enter Shikari gig and getting it signed by the band
Meeting Charlie from Busted
Meeting the guys from Kids In Glass Houses (gutted avis)
Tesco Express? Maybe
Chicken Throwing
Learning how to do Myspace html
Colorado pride
Getting stopped by police because Jack Ovenden matches the description of a shoplifter (yes it happened)
I'm 18
I have brown hair
My ears are pierced. One has a 4mm tunnel plug in it.

I love Harry Potter
I love Jamie, Lally, Omar Orlando, Steve. If you feel i've missed you out, let me know. I am going to music college next year. I am rather lazy unless it involves music. I love music obv. I wish i was either:
A Wizard
A Pokémon trainer
I love Curious George. A lot.
I love Finland.
I love Bubble Pop. The music genre, that is.
I love Jack Johnson

My Interests

Things that are yellow.

I'd like to meet:

The Man In The Yellow Hat, Charlie from Busted (oh wait, i done that already :D)


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Anything. Literally. Anything.


Lost, Prison Break.


anything by tolkien, shakespeare, louis sachar, clive cussler, douglas reeman, alexander kent, steven king,


mr beer