- I started to be interested in producing dance tracks in the late 90's, inspired by legendary tunes like 9PM from ATB or Faithless - Insomnia. Produced under the "Dreamworld" alias, 4 dance tracks were released between 1999 ans 2001, but they remain in my close network (and i'm pretty ashamed of them right now :-)) They all can be considered as "beginner tracks" today.
- After three years of Silence, i started to work with FL Studio 3.56 This is a wonderful tool for creating quality electronic music (lounge, techno or hardtek like my friend Keutof do, trance, house, electro-soul...). I finished my first track "Eternal Sunset" during Summer 2004.
This one set the basis for the two next tracks you can hear on mySpace, created in 2005 : "Ocean of Silence" and "Depths of Melancoly". Both are quite close to what i like in melodic trance, with deep and sad melodies, supported by "crying layers"..."Depths of Melancoly"'s main melody is inspired by the one in the piece of wonder "The Message" by Cern.
As the last part of a trilogy, "Restless Dreams" has been the only track i have finished in 2006. Work, Girlfriends and living in Paris took more time than expected :)
I've started working with new synths since January and hope to be much more active this year, with new productions and remixes coming all along the way.
Stay tuned for more !!
Love is our goal, Trance is the way
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