I'm a Ford Mustang!
You're an American classic -- fast, strong, and bold. You're not snobby or pretentious, but you have what it takes to give anyone a run for their money.
"Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
What I am interested is spending more time in God's Word, which is building! I have furthered my career, but looking into a possible change in avenue... and I STILL want to get my weekends back.
Jesus Christ when he comes to get us! That'll be like the best day ever! In the meantime, I'm in the "single" business and currently looking for that promotion to status "taken" ;-). I would also LOVE to meet like minded believers...Oh and the group of kids in the video below are just too funny!
I love music, I listen to whatever my senses feel most drawn too at the time...
I have seen SO many movies... I love giving a a dramatic synopsis of movies I love just to get others to watch it!
These dudes rock!
Working on this one...
My hero is my Savior, Jesus Christ! God is who I turn to for all trials and thankful times in my life too. My son is also my hero... and of course there are those everyday heroes of the world... peace officers, firefighters, EMTs and paramedics. These people go so much without being recognized. The men and women of the military are in the same category... we dont show appreciation for these people like we should... but thats part of human nature. My prayers go out to them ALWAYS though and I thank God we have them to protect us.