Christopher profile picture


Leo water serpent saturn in Libra moon in capricorn! in other words...very hot guy!!

About Me

I am the robert mitchum type (IF he was the water serpent kind rather than the fire serpent he was). Which means I'm always right, even when I'm wrong. LOL. Seriously though I'm very gorgeous and sexy and charming. Nice huh. That said I'm also very choosy who I associate with. IF you are emotionally compatible and yes I can deduce this before we meet due to my metaphysical knowledge we will get along and have a good time. If not there is no chance for it and yes I will know it. I am a superb Mac tech support person/Network engineer. I am also a great actor as well and am also a good salesman. I would like to explore any job prospects in entertainment acting news reporting on-air and office work also as well as Mac based tech support work. This ought to give a lot of options for work. Mr DeMille I'm READY for my closeup!!!!

My Interests

I am just interested in people who have chemistry with me. I am passionate about LOVE. This is the outlet I seek in everything! That said I am interested in surf rock, sport trucks and sport cars, apple computers, and the good life and success and attaining it. I am a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans and an Infantry Vet from the Vietnam Era Big Red One. I also like action and war movies. I am passionate about good sex and enjoying the good life!

I'd like to meet:

Compatible people who are women that are attractive as well as people who will advance me career wise as well as what I have to offer them professionally. I am open to suggestions of a professional nature as well as personal ones.Myself I am looking in the long term and yearning for a loving relationship.I have found that people tend to have emotional baggage they drag around with them. I find that evidenced as carrying about junk or storing junk or otherwise exposing me to junk. Let me explain that I am not interested in any of that. I am looking for someone who can maintain a clean ordered organized means of living.Myself I am someone who needs to be listened to. My one issue with people is they tend to think I do not listen to them. Karma or fate has given me a head of my own and a heart to match it. I know what is best for myself. I am not a dictator per se, but I have my own life very much, and have quite a unique storehouse of knowledge built up over the years. I DO very much listen to others, and KNOW communication is absolutely vital in any relationship. SO I also need someone who will communicate freely and openly and by speech also. Not by any mind games ego issues or otherwise. So my criteria is for someone without emotional baggage of any pronounced amount, evidenced by willingness to communicate with me openly. I also have no need for a dictator. Realize even if I am what could be thought of as having a head of my own, it is simply there for my own needs and uses not to be a lord over others, and nor will I tolerate that from others against me.I am interested in caring and providing for emotionally and materially for a physically intimate and attractive woman. I am the kind of guy who gets the really pretty girl and guys can't figure out why. This is because I am a gorgeous guy emotionally, and I communicate this to others all the time on one level or another.What I have found is that a few (but not too many) beautiful women are jerks, evidencing dictatorial or packrattish, or non-communicative behaviors. Oh and demands for money are not appreciated.....People can NOT get by on just their looks and certainly not by bad behaviors. Myself if emotionally thwarted I evidence some snappiness or brattishness so it's a good barometer if something needs improving upon, though normally I am very very easygoing.I am truly charming and need not cast my pearls before swine, nor do I. Nor am I terribly wealthy at this point. This will change over the next two years towards the positive, with more and more money in my future until I am really well off, but it's been less than extravagant financially for me. Well I am not destitute so this is ok for now. I have a regular job in a leather warehouse in Virginia shipping tanned hides. I have it for over a year now and will keep it as promotions and bonuses such will surely come along as they already have.So what I am looking for in a relationship is a good woman to thrill and receive and share a lot of bone-chilling sexual bliss, coupled with a lot of harmonious good times.Two things I am NOT interested in are pleas for money OR advances from PIGS or TIGERS. Check your eastern astrology to see if you are a pig or tiger before you contact me please.


Instrumental surf rock and classic rock


war movies and adult xxx and action movies


yes I like TV a lot LOL. I can watch it aimlessly for hours at a time. God bless widescreen HDTV!


Ancient Egyptian history and war history. I consider myself quite a historian and soldier as well a strategic tactician. I am VERY well versed in logistics and the operational art. Also VERY good at these skills. Also anything that strikes me as an interesting book which can be anything at all!


My direct ancestors Great Great Grandfathers Sargeant George Washington Perkins, Private Moses Jones, Private Thomas Bishop, Great Great Grand Uncle Private James Perkins, General Nathan Bedford Forrest(not related), his artillery chief my Great Great Grand Uncle Captain John Watson Morton who are all GREAT CONFEDERATE SOLDIERS!, the Confederate army in general, ALL the Sons of Confederate Veterans as well as the boys in the SCV here in Lynchburg and especially SCV Camp 2123 Nelson Grays you WIN! General Patton, General Schwartzkopf, The first Infantry division which I am a vietnam era vet from.

My Blog

Financial bailout means this!!!!!

There is just no money left in the government. For the next 5 years easily maybe more. SO the next president is going to have to give up on affordable healthcare and any green initiatives including gr...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 06:40:00 PST

Pelosi is an American Menace

The Pelosi sham of an energy bill passed the democrat house lets see if it gets killed in the senate.
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 03:23:00 PST

Democrat "Energy" plan a hoax!

The Democrats just don't get it. We have 18 million barrels a day sitting off our coasts and they won't allow us to get it unless we vote them out. The idea is that the democrats want us to change awa...
Posted by Christopher on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 05:16:00 PST

Comcast TV SUCKS!

I dumped Comcast today for Cable TV. Now I am using Direct TV which is FAR better and I HIGHLY recommend it. Comcast Digital TV was terrible the sound was garbled due to lousy implementation and bad t...
Posted by Christopher on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 01:17:00 PST

chevy s10 truck project proceeding well!

MY 2000 chevy s10 has a rockin motor finally. In keeping with the energy costs of gas I decided to further modify my engine for power and mileage. Which means I added a cold air intake system from eBa...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 05:38:00 PST

Presidential elections

McCain will be a great president and Barack Obama is a dangerous dreamer with no foot in reality.Why does everyone not agree with this? Power struggles. The democrats are the real problem with america...
Posted by Christopher on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:34:00 PST

New Katana!

I FINALLY got a real Japanese nihonto instead of a chinese replica it's GREAT to finally have one. It has been a goal of mine and I'M DELIGHTED!!Shinsakutos ROCK!
Posted by Christopher on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:38:00 PST

More home repairs........

Work goes well, Home repairs continue . The Gas fan heater got repaired finally. A local company Bohannan wanted 80 dollars an hour to work on it AFTER they got paid 160 diollars to ruminate over it. ...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 01:54:00 PST

More home repairs!

Well I got a new glass and wood Broyhill end table next to the leather couch and a glass coffee table and also a great cloth Lazyboy in tan/brown corduroy recliner which is like new and a great deal a...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 06:56:00 PST

New couch!

Well I finally got a really fine leather media room recliner couch! I have been working hard to get my home here in Lynchburg into good condition! All that remains is to get rid of an old lazyboy recl...
Posted by Christopher on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 02:51:00 PST