Im a myspace addict.I love renting a movie and laying on the couch with my husband.Getting up and making breakfast togather even though I dont eat most breakfast foods.I love to sit and stare at my son and look at how beautiful he is.
- Get Your Own
god i like so much ... 1st and for most i must say maynard james keenan can molest me in every form possible.. i love perfect circle, tool..hmmmm zepplin, pink floyd, bob marley,fiona apple, macy gray,bjork, black crows,a little ozzy every now and then,sublime,tenatious d is the absolute shit,audioslave,velvet revolver,,blue rodeo when tammys in the car,then i like to take it way old school with some dean martin and frank sinatra, ella fitzgerald,billy holiday damn it if i could had been around then and of course who doesnt cream them selves listen to poor little marilynn monroe trying to sing i support her. i can also get into a little bit of rap i was forced into it but some isnt to bad.areosmith will forever be the shit i dont care if steven and joe are 95 and hitting the oxygen tank i will forever get wet just thinking about them ..steven grinding his mic stand on the floor and joe still looking 21 with his shirt off "cream"UNCROWNED my new favorite band love those guys sweethearts and can fucking party like rock stars had a good time. radio head love em. got to give a shout out to bono only bc he is irish and of course a little RAMMSTEIN im german i have to loving ben shreves new stuff folk music is really coming out.. about damn time. hatebreed, mindless self indulgence, smile empty soul,bob dylan, funny to look in a disc changer have a bob dylan a bob marley,johnny cash and a TI all in one changer.. funny shit.. i love music period if it isnt to shitty ill like hell i have been known to love the shittiest music..OOOOO REGGATON IS THE SHIT Daddy Yankee is the sexiest man alive and make me wanna shake my ass every time i heard him YA HURD
Josh and I rent every new flick that comes out so I cant really think of what my favorite would be.Recently it would be running scared as the number one.But oldies would be steal magnoilas,dirty dancing, the origanal charlie and the chocolate factory, any kinds of cop-law thriller.Crash was awesome. Lets just say anything but star wars or james bond crap
Law and Order is my absoulte favorite.I watch alot of discovery health channel. anything to do with law
I love John Grisham books! again law thrillers.
My mother, i have a new respect for her since i had my son.My mother in law for producing such a wonderful son.My dad for putting up with me all these years.And my yoda tammy for teaching me much of what I know today!