Sasha profile picture


The arid torpor of inaction will be our demise

About Me

California born and raised, world cultured. I've been fortunate enough to touch the depths of the Pacific and the peaks of Europe. I bite it when I mountain bike and swallow it when I scuba dive and keep coming back for more. Why? Because I'm the opposite of complacent and the quintessence of curious and what I know now isn't/will never be enough. I’m constantly striving to learn from the way others think. I like to think that I "maintain against the grain" – a driven business guy who wears a suit to meet with an international client and on the way back from the airport changes in the car into a hooded sweatshirt and Converse to meet up with the boys at a punk show on Sunset Boulevard. I pour my soul into my friends, am a terrible gambler, hate liars and would risk everything for two things: 1) children 2) the answer.

My Interests

Learning about things that other people love to love.

I'd like to meet:

The guy/gal who invented the glue that keeps the little reflective road lights stuck to the ground on the freeway. The "non-existant" top secret Nike Ekin society fellowship. Harloquinn Spector. Dirty Sanchez. I wish I'd never met Mr. Black Berry. The lady who sits behind the desk on the Snapple commercials. Jonny Carson. The guy/gal who invented the Sharpie. The guy/gal who came up with the idea that moms should write their kid's name on their underwear so when they bend over to pick stuff up they get their butt kicked by the second session summer camp bully.


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Futurama, South Park, How Things Are Made, Lost, Discovery Channel, TLC, Travel Channel, A&E, MTV, CNN with little ticker thing at the bottom


The Giving Tree, The 9th Wave, The Science of How Things Work, A Brave New World, The Prince, Leonardo Da' Vinci, religious texts from any faith, Scientific American, The Skeptic, Alternative Press

My Blog

The War in Israel - READ THIS

I think this is worth reading by everyone...  Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. all agree that Israel was attacked and has the right to defend itself from Hizballah   AN OPEN LETTER TO THE W...
Posted by Sasha on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 01:50:00 PST

The Shabbes Goy - this is so good, please read

The Shabbes Goy by Joe Velarde Snow came early in the winter of 1933 when our extended Cuban family moved into the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn. I was ten years old. We were the first Spanish spe...
Posted by Sasha on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 10:03:00 PST

Check it out when you get the chance and let me know what I should include.  It's more than a work in progress, it's a work in neglect. : )Sasha
Posted by Sasha on Tue, 09 May 2006 08:56:00 PST

Sasha's Music Review 2; 10 of the Best Albums of All Time!

Since so many of you mentioned you read my last music review, I thought I'd drop another since it's been a few weeks. This one's going to simply be | Sasha's 10 of the Greatest Discs of All Time |......
Posted by Sasha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My music reviews - some tunes you should check out...

Greetings my friends - since you're always asking me to share new music with you, I thought this might be a good way to spread the love, lowpro style. Take what you will, vomit on what you ha...
Posted by Sasha on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST