erika profile picture


About Me

Here is me in a nutshell…brown hair, almond brown eyes, typically asian on the outside. I’m quiet and shy, reserved and respectful. I can be brutally honest or exceptionally sweet. I love games of all sorts, (video, computer, board, card) and watching TV (CSI, Amazing Race, Without a Trace, Numbers) and having a good time (movies, bowling, pool, hiking, horseback riding). Animals are a big part of my life, so you have to love all types of animals. Music is a must, all kinds…but I am, believe it or not, a country fan. A night to the theater isn’t a bad choice either.

My ideal is someone with similar interests. Being hilariously goofy at the most random of times will always make me smile. Now, that’s not someone who is crazy hyper, mind you. There needs to be calm and easy-goingness somewhere in my ideal. Like I said before I’m quiet so if you love to talk I’m always here to listen.

My Interests

You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.
You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl.

I'd like to meet:



neverending story, crouching tiger, Final Destination, The Hot Chick, the terminal, pretty in pink, Some like it Hot, the breakfast club, It Happened One Night, Star trek, the city of lost children, Bourne Identity, Disco, Road to Perdition, VERTIGO, Old School , I know, X-Men, Terminator 2, Raising Victor Vargas, Dangerous Beauty, just like heaven, The Village, The Pianist, sisterhood of the traveling pants, Wes Anderson, Rear Window, Dodgeball


stella, Cheers, textarea, Guts, Arrested Development, Inked, Taxi Cab Confessions, Seinfield, that 70s show, sponge bob, Entourage, that's so raven, judge judy, Salute Your Shorts, MADE