Entertaining, Event Planning, Running, Reading, Studying Norse mythology/Scandinavian culture, Cooking, Baking, Eating, Nutrition/diet/health counseling...
Old friends, new friends, other peoples friends, Flogging Molly, Dane Cook and the late Mitch Hedberg...
adopt your own virtual pet!
Alan Jackson, Loreena Mckinnet, Rob Zombie, Metallica, Enya, FLOGGING MOLLY!!!!!
ZoolanderLord of the Rings (Extended Edition of course), Harry Potter, Thirteenth Warrior, Hero, Fight Club...
Kids in the Hall!!! Family Guy, Simpsons, Futurama, I like anime too...
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (go Ravenclaw), Chronicals of Narnia, Historical fiction, Research articles and Case Studies.
My Dad, My brother Doug, Joseph Smith, Gordon B. Hinkley, Bill Bradsky, ZEON!