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I am here for Friends

About Me

ATTENTION YA SWUUSI 2007 CAMPERS: The lovely Tina made a great DVD Mugbook for us this year. To can view the Mugbook slide shows by going here:
YA SWUUSI '07 Mugbook Slide Shows
You can also email us here, at the SWUUSI Myspace page, and leave us your mailing address. We will snail mail you a copy of the DVD.
ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: Frank Roesler (who has been our fearless leader for roughly a century, give or take) was asked to be the coordinator for ALL of SWUUSI next year. Frank has done such a good job running YA SWUUSI that main camp took notice and took him straight to the top position even though he has never even been on staff at main camp. We are very proud of Frank and can't wait to see what he has in store for ALL of SWUUSI in 2008. GREAT JOB FRANK!!!

My Interests

