I have some cool stuff here that is pretty cool er.. stuff -- www.youtube.com/vegepygmy
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
I have some cool stuff here that is pretty cool er.. stuff -- www.youtube.com/vegepygmy
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Screaming. Poetica Violencia. Escapism. Monsters. The Fear. Beer. Deep sea fish. Blood. Hidden people. Being Lost. Meat. Clean Socks. Sarcasm. Genuine naivete. Ms Noelle. Dargan Jack - Terror of the High Seas.
Shelves and shelves of books.
HR Giger. Sushi. The sound of razors through flesh. Grace. My reflection. Demons. Children. Uncontrolled vices. Responsible parenting. The Revenant. Reptiles. Sleep deprivation. Long-term committed relationships. Music. Iceland. Being nice to people. Insects. Fatherhood. Public obscenity. Deluxe Accomodations.
And of course libido suffucand in natibus alterius.
That weird guy with the yellow teeth reading this from over your shoulder.
Here are some albums I think are great. No particular order.
Everythings Different Now - Til Tuesday
Meddle - Pink Floyd
Transmuting Currents - John Vorus
California - Mr. Bungle
Cordwainer - Falcon Mitts
Here are a couple books I like. No particular order.
Geek Love - Katherine Dunn
D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths
1 Dead in Attic - Chris Rose
Madam Blavatsky's Baboon - Peter Washington
The Mystery of San Gottardo - HR Giger
Noelle and Dargan. Everyone I know. Well, nearly everyone I know. Some of you are freaking crazy. Cheers to you though.